Take your time!! We support you!!
СообщениеCh1cken7#128628 окт. 2024 г., 22:45:58
again and again
I've really had enough
That's okay <3 Would rather a good product than a rushed one!
Сообщениеperzn#327028 окт. 2024 г., 22:46:15
not sure why people would request pto for an open beta lol, it does suck that they gave a date and can't deliver though
СообщениеVeksar#559328 окт. 2024 г., 22:48:06
Kick_DarkAngel написал:
GGG I bet 95%+ of us dont care about the micros not being there on day 1 of a beta, big mistake on delaying for that reason, everyone would be alright if you guys come out and say game ready to launch but the micros will come in later until it was fully ready on a future path for the beta. Its new character models, new spells, new attacks, new movement, people buy mtx mostly to have an alternate visual than the boring common look, guess what new game all is new.
Do a poll and you will see people will prefer to keep original data and postpone mtx migrations by huge margin.
Where does it say it's for not having mtx?
СообщениеVeksar#559328 окт. 2024 г., 22:48:52
Veksar написал:
Kick_DarkAngel написал:
GGG I bet 95%+ of us dont care about the micros not being there on day 1 of a beta, big mistake on delaying for that reason, everyone would be alright if you guys come out and say game ready to launch but the micros will come in later until it was fully ready on a future path for the beta. Its new character models, new spells, new attacks, new movement, people buy mtx mostly to have an alternate visual than the boring common look, guess what new game all is new.
Do a poll and you will see people will prefer to keep original data and postpone mtx migrations by huge margin.
Where does it say it's for not having mtx?
It's one of the first things in the original post, and in the video.
СообщениеMetzlii#004028 окт. 2024 г., 22:54:51
i think most of us just want a new poe league,..if GGG could drop that next month then we would be happy
СообщениеLyutsifer665#167128 окт. 2024 г., 22:56:09На испытательном сроке
Take all the time you need to polish a good product. Still HYPED
СообщениеMrNavyHydra#354628 окт. 2024 г., 22:57:39
I dont rly care poe2 beta so much but how long do I have to wait poe1 league?? 6 month? 1 year?
thanks for waiting til the last minute ... now unable to reschedule time off
Последняя редакция: Gungniir#6674. Время: 28 окт. 2024 г., 23:05:34
СообщениеGungniir#667428 окт. 2024 г., 23:01:14