Path of Exile 3.26 Expansion Timeline

I asked myself and friends, would I want to do SOK all over again... but this time with a lantern?
The answer is no i'm afraid, I revel this time of year with summer holiday and new poe league.
That means no support packs until next year, no new content, not enough changes to bring me back unfortunately.
Good idee !
Please concider removing specific weapon types for kalgur enchants. That would open up alot more builds for this event, else it will be same all over
So btw does this mean its beginning to be the end of PoE 1? Since when PoE 2 comes out pretty much every resource will be put into that instead (it's already p much the case)

Damn. Was a good run if so.
PoE1 Dead
PoE2 Dead on Arrival
PoEM ???????
My 2 cents worth. As a 'legacy' player who is one of the few left in the game who actually paid for POE 1 Early Access. I know there are few of us left now.

14 Years of supporting GGG as they were always a top notch game dev company. If mistakes were made, they explained what happened and put their cap on the table.

I remember a case where there was a major mistake during a routine security maintainance, and someone managed to blacklist the ip addresses of nearly half of Europe. I spent nearly an hour with a dev online trying to faultfind why I could not access poe or the website. They didn't leave me stranded and did everything possible. Eventually it was worked out that this security issue had occured. (not just due to my chat with the dev ofc. ) Appologies were made by the person in question, a full blow by blow was given in the forums (not reddit or twitter....) and people actually sent the guy a beer and told him to take a break and refresh himself. True community spirit.

That is the GGG I have come to know and love.

Standard was all there was (and yes we are still here.. playing standard, the die hard people who have played for years and given financial support to GGG over that time.
Leagues were originally put in as beta testing areas for standard updates after leaks from alpha testing made it impossible to keep the league content secret.
Leagues were slowly made a priority over standard to the point where standard was seen as 'shameful' to play. League elitism started to rule.

I love the leagues and will usually play them, not to the detriment of the CORE game that won all the awards and put GGG on the map. Leagues did not do that. Standard did.

Promises were made GGG, Firstly that Poe 2 would be a continuation of POE1. We could swap between them. Remember that one? We were then told it was not possible for programming reasons. I don't believe this. My belief is that its now a seperate game as its the only way to chase those awards again. It can't be attached to poe1 or its not classed as a 'new game' and not eligable for game awards. THAT is the reason for it.

POE 1 is being drained of resources to finance a game a lot of us think is now a bad idea. It will split the already limited playerbase into a fractured community. There is no integration at all between them. Alternating leagues and you will then have how many different communities running? Lets add them up.

poe 1 standard


hc Ruthless

and now DOUBLE that for POE 2

20 or so different game modes within a game that is already stretched thin in some areas. Try trading within those communities with the current trading system and..... well good luck with that.

Standard relies on 3 monthly league imput for items and 'cash'. We wait patiently to get our hands on gearing we have either farmed up in league or for people coming back into standard to offload before new league.

If you stagnate a game from the CORE GAME upwards it starts to rot. Standard was always the CORE of poe. It is even refered to as Going Core when merging the league into the core standard game.

If you don't look after your old school long term playerbase in a chase to get a new one, you may find either one or both of the games die. Which will you choose GGG? The game awards or your long term supporters who begged Chris to give us ways to support you when he used to chat in global chat with us. You're going to have a hard time getting support if you keep delaying leagues in favour of using money intended for poe 1 and spending it on poe 2.

I for one will not be spending any more unless its guaranteed to be going to poe 1 ONLY. I've spent a lot of money on poe, not a penny more until this is sorted out.
Talismannn написал:
My belief is that its now a seperate game as its the only way to chase those awards again. It can't be attached to poe1 or its not classed as a 'new game' and not eligable for game awards. THAT is the reason for it.

And you are entitled to your belief.
Whilst that may be the benefit of starting a new game, I believe its now a seperate game because the fundamental ideals are changing. They want to drastically change core elements of POE1, like remove scion, add new classes, re-imagine abilities, drastically slow combat.
They can't do this in POE1 without it having a major re-design and a completely different game philosphy. What they're aiming for in POE2 is something different and you can already read reactions from the community, not everybody is onboard with the change.
Thus two different but similar games need to run in parallel, if POE2 attracts more players then of course more funding will be allocated to POE2. But when it's a big fail, maybe they'll go back to their original idea.
Jixa87 написал:
I asked myself and friends, would I want to do SOK all over again... but this time with a lantern?
The answer is no i'm afraid, I revel this time of year with summer holiday and new poe league.
That means no support packs until next year, no new content, not enough changes to bring me back unfortunately.

Thats alot of words big could have said no ty xD
hyyyben написал:
Jixa87 написал:
I asked myself and friends, would I want to do SOK all over again... but this time with a lantern?
The answer is no i'm afraid, I revel this time of year with summer holiday and new poe league.
That means no support packs until next year, no new content, not enough changes to bring me back unfortunately.

Thats alot of words big could have said no ty xD

Yeh, Nah, thanks but no thanks.
Beavith написал:
Imagine how badass POE1 would be right now if POE2 never existed.

this hits the nail on the head and straight through the board. totally agree.
Talismannn написал:
My 2 cents worth. As a 'legacy' player who is one of the few left in the game who actually paid for POE 1 Early Access. I know there are few of us left now.

14 Years of supporting GGG as they were always a top notch game dev company. If mistakes were made, they explained what happened and put their cap on the table.

I remember a case where there was a major mistake during a routine security maintainance, and someone managed to blacklist the ip addresses of nearly half of Europe. I spent nearly an hour with a dev online trying to faultfind why I could not access poe or the website. They didn't leave me stranded and did everything possible. Eventually it was worked out that this security issue had occured. (not just due to my chat with the dev ofc. ) Appologies were made by the person in question, a full blow by blow was given in the forums (not reddit or twitter....) and people actually sent the guy a beer and told him to take a break and refresh himself. True community spirit.

That is the GGG I have come to know and love.

Standard was all there was (and yes we are still here.. playing standard, the die hard people who have played for years and given financial support to GGG over that time.
Leagues were originally put in as beta testing areas for standard updates after leaks from alpha testing made it impossible to keep the league content secret.
Leagues were slowly made a priority over standard to the point where standard was seen as 'shameful' to play. League elitism started to rule.

I love the leagues and will usually play them, not to the detriment of the CORE game that won all the awards and put GGG on the map. Leagues did not do that. Standard did.

Promises were made GGG, Firstly that Poe 2 would be a continuation of POE1. We could swap between them. Remember that one? We were then told it was not possible for programming reasons. I don't believe this. My belief is that its now a seperate game as its the only way to chase those awards again. It can't be attached to poe1 or its not classed as a 'new game' and not eligable for game awards. THAT is the reason for it.

POE 1 is being drained of resources to finance a game a lot of us think is now a bad idea. It will split the already limited playerbase into a fractured community. There is no integration at all between them. Alternating leagues and you will then have how many different communities running? Lets add them up.

poe 1 standard


hc Ruthless

and now DOUBLE that for POE 2

20 or so different game modes within a game that is already stretched thin in some areas. Try trading within those communities with the current trading system and..... well good luck with that.

Standard relies on 3 monthly league imput for items and 'cash'. We wait patiently to get our hands on gearing we have either farmed up in league or for people coming back into standard to offload before new league.

If you stagnate a game from the CORE GAME upwards it starts to rot. Standard was always the CORE of poe. It is even refered to as Going Core when merging the league into the core standard game.

If you don't look after your old school long term playerbase in a chase to get a new one, you may find either one or both of the games die. Which will you choose GGG? The game awards or your long term supporters who begged Chris to give us ways to support you when he used to chat in global chat with us. You're going to have a hard time getting support if you keep delaying leagues in favour of using money intended for poe 1 and spending it on poe 2.

I for one will not be spending any more unless its guaranteed to be going to poe 1 ONLY. I've spent a lot of money on poe, not a penny more until this is sorted out.
PoE1 Dead
PoE2 Dead on Arrival
PoEM ???????

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