Path of Exile 3.26 Expansion Timeline

Yeah just super disappointed with all this. I don't even think I'll end up liking poe2 with everything that's been shown around it and I'm not interested in playing a slightly altered Settlers league from scratch.
Snorkle_uk написал:
i feel like the player base has become quite spoiled and entitled by how great this game and its support has been for the past decade.

a ggg poe1 legaue has as much or more (usually more) going for it as every update any other arpg receives in a year. were so spoiled by how insane the release cadence is and how much content we get for this game, honestly.

theyre making poe2, this is happening once in a decade, can we all just get some perspective and recognise that once in 10 years we can deal with a league lasting twice as long as usual? a league that has path of exile 2 dropping right in the middle of it btw, in a 6 month period we only got 1 league and AN ENTIRE NEW GAME...

people not interested in poe2? i mean what are people even talking about. what is the chance another 3 month league would have added something as interesting as trying out an entirely new game with a whole campaign, 100 new bosses, all new maps, maps bosses, skills, 12 classes, thats not something ur interesting in playing vs playign the same poe1 weve been playing for 11 years with a new league mechanic? that you would all probably moan about anyway?

come on guys. once every 10 years you can deal with the game only being twice as good as every other arpg and not the usual 4x as good. its for a good cause and these devs are putting in mad work over there, pouring their heart and souls into the biggest game release of their careers. how about just give them a break and some encouragement?

i don't thing a box for 3 month is good for me, at least add something like new challenger or adding more old mechanic for fun
Might go for the free box at lvl 50 and skip PoE later until 3.26
This year is a letdown for PoE (1).I'm gonna hold my money because I honestly lost my faith in GGG.
Ellanth написал:
Might go for the free box at lvl 50 and skip PoE later until 3.26
This year is a letdown for PoE (1).I'm gonna hold my money because I honestly lost my faith in GGG.

How did you lose faith in them? It's a free to play game, and the last 3 seasons/leagues have been fucking incredible, as the majority have said. Affliction league was amazing, cool mechanic, easy way to buff monsters and get loot.

I am not a fan of crafting leagues, but necropolis was pretty good. It lacked some endgame but the over-all league mechanic was fun, and useful if you enjoyed crafting for profit.

Settlers of Kalguur was a fucking breath of fresh air, Melee re-works, a realtime system so people like me who aren't fortunate enough to play alot, can still progress the new league, and get returns. I can't tell you how nice it's been being able to throw stuff on a boat, goto bed, and wake up to multiple divines. The challenges for this league were awesome and relatively easy (I'm a noob and even I managed to get 34/40, hunting my last 2 challenges because I want that sweet sweet portal.

This last league added a bunch of end game, new T17 map, new mechanics, the OMG currency auction house thing.

They have made some miss-steps in the past, but they have been transparent as hell, and have released some of the best free DLC any ARPG has in years.

Would you rather they charged 90$ for a half finished game like Diablo 4 did? Launch with 10x the issues GGG ever has, and then a year later, release a broken DLC for 60$ that introduces a character no one ever asked for and doesn't fix any of the initial release issues?

Like what are you even on about...

Not only has GGG released 3 of the best leagues TO date, including huge end game changes, reworks, and introduced new skills, but they are also actively making a brand new game....

Honestly with comments like yours I don't know how Devs find the encouragement to continue.

It honestly baffles me how short sighted some people can be.
D4 bad
Pls add more spice to this event .. like mayham or something...
Voice_in_the_void написал:
D4 bad
Could be worse. Could be Last Epoch.
PoE1 Dead
PoE2 Dead on Arrival
PoEM ???????
Fresh start. Practice for starter builds again. Nice
Ruthless in "event" -- where?!
Total shame.

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