Changes to Path of Exile's Account System

Vash_GGG написал:
MrZarter#2915 написал:
If i created a second account via steam by accident, essentially forgetting i had an account already through the ggg client, and i then purchase microtransactions on the second account whilst having microtransactions on the original account, can i have as a one time action these accounts merged?

Could you please contact us at so that we may look into this for you?

please i need help with this. I did NOT create a second account... when i was gifted a poe2 key from a friend and Activatead it on the website, now my poe2 account is split from my steam account where i have purchased my stash tabs. i need these merged. I've been reaching out to support with no reply.
I have a problem with the account system.
My PS4 account and my PC Steam account are displayed in parallel. I bought the Poe2 with the Steam account, but the 300 shop points ended up on my PS4 account!

That means my PS4 account is the leading account. However, the POE boxes I bought from the Steam account were not transferred to the PS4 account.

How can I transfer the points I bought in Steam to the correct account?

Thank you very much.
I've send this enquiry through email, but no reply for 3 days, so I hope posting here can get some info so to continue my grinding journey.

Hi Team,

Currently I have 2 subaccounts.
nohorserun#5909 (Created from PS)
nohorserun#1065 (Created from POE website)
Subaccount nohorserun#5909 purchased a supporter pack of "Lord of Ogham Supporter Pack" at PS5.
Subaccount nohorserun#1065 purchased a supporter pack of "Early Access Supporter" at POE official website.

I can cross progression my nohorserun#5909 on PC. Just that MTX is not available, as well as premium STASH function show "Remove-only". Understand that MTX made on PS5 cannot be use/move to PC.

My questions as below.
Can I purchase "Liberator of Wraeclast Supporter Pack" on nohorserun#5909 on POE official website?
If question 1 is yes, are you able to move the "Early Access Supporter" pack which purchased on nohorserun#1065 to norhoserun#5909, so that instead of $480, I can upgrade from existing with $450 on nohorserun#5909.

Above questions are to make sure that I can continue my progression from PS to PC. But on PC I can enjoy "Liberator of Wraeclast Supporter Pack", and on PS I can enjoy "Lord of Ogham Supporter Pack" on the same subaccount nohorserun#5909.
So after emailing support@grindinggear I just wait for you all to get around to merging my xbox mtx to my pc sub account?
I linked my account with my Steam Account today and now I have an additional Sub-Account. So far, so good.

I was playing POE 2 on my Xbox before and I just logged in only to see that my character is missing. I hope that the game "just" changed the Subaccount and my character is still on the other Subaccount. The problem is that I see no option to change accounts on Xbox. Does anyone have a idea what happened or how can login to my other subaccount?
Knightmare A#9179 написал:
I linked my account with my Steam Account today and now I have an additional Sub-Account. So far, so good.

I was playing POE 2 on my Xbox before and I just logged in only to see that my character is missing. I hope that the game "just" changed the Subaccount and my character is still on the other Subaccount. The problem is that I see no option to change accounts on Xbox. Does anyone have a idea what happened or how can login to my other subaccount?

Found the solution/problem. When the subaccount has no character yet, you are stuck in character creation and cannot change the subaccount. After creating one and reaching the first camp, you can log off and login again. After that the selector for the accounts is available and you can switch back to the original subaccount.
Wish I had known this when I started. I bought the Supporter Pack on my PC account. I'm playing POE2 on PC, but during character creation, it used my PS4 account without me knowing it. As others have said, it doesn't tell you, and its unreasonable to think playing the game on PC would put the characters on a PS4 account.

So now I have a leveled character with no access to my POE1 MTX or Shop Points from the supporter pack. To make matters worse, this forum post of theirs says they won't transfer characters between sub-accounts, so I may be stuck and ending my time with POE. This situation has made me lose interest in playing POE if it can't be corrected. I'm too casual to start over, so my only hope is GGG takes ownership of this issue (I've seen many posts on this now) and helps us out. =(
Последняя редакция: Fortoom#9448. Время: 24 дек. 2024 г., 0:46:35
"Hi there,

Thanks for your contacting Support.

For more information in regards to an account merges and how they operate, please refer to the recent announcement found here:

Please note, there is an extensive back log for these requests, so it may be quite some time before this is looked into again.

Once that is done, please contact us again and we can look into this further for you."

This is what I get after 14 days of waiting for a response. This post doesn't even help me with this problem. Why was it linked? For anyone waiting for the gold to be transferred, it seems like they are purposely ignoring us.
I purchased the 100 euro pack on PS5 with the full intention to play on PC as well including the Steam Deck. As it turns out after some investigation, not only my skins do not carry over, but neither my stash tabs. The stash tabs that are technically a basic necessity for playing the game. What's the point of accessing my character on PC, if I can't access my items, and have no space for my newly dropped items? The items that are literally the main reason to play the game? I'm not blaming GGG as this could very well be sony's fault, but honestly if I knew this sooner I either wouldn't have spent the money, or would have bought it on PC, as I was planning to mainly play there in the long run. I can only hope that GGG is actively working on solving this issue. Thank you for anyone reading this, and have a nice day.

edit: I decided to just simply move over to PC and start over. This issue made me upset with sony. Still hope that this can be changed later, for anyone who plans playing a single account on both platforms.
Последняя редакция: TheHolyInquisitor#6949. Время: 31 дек. 2024 г., 11:32:38
So,I have 2 accounts in PC both in Steam. Account #1 has characters and account #2 hasn’t.

Question: If I create a character in account #2 can it access the stash for the characters in account #1? Is the stash shared between characters of different accounts yet of the platform?

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