Changes to Path of Exile's Account System

Merging Other Platform Accounts

Path of Exile accounts have always been able to support logging in from multiple PC based platforms to the same account, but we are also now allowing you to merge separate accounts that were created on different PC platforms.

If you previously unintentionally created multiple accounts on different platforms you can now merge these accounts together, but note that you can only merge one account created from each platform. For example, you can't merge multiple steam accounts into a single account.

Hi, how exactly do I merge my two accounts? The link points to the accounts page but I don't see any option to merge accounts there.

As the other guy I logged in with wrong sub-account so mow my character doesn't have access to all my PoE1 mtx's on the PoE2 Early Access.

I’m very grateful to GGG for cross-progression and cross-play, it’s very convenient, thank you
Последняя редакция: GasGettum#7146. Время: 8 дек. 2024 г., 2:43:58
I don’t understand in post says if i link my PC account with ps5/xbox i can use microtransactions in my ps5. I linked, at my PS appeared on my account coins, but all my Stash and other microtransactions from PC not available.
hello admin , i dont know where to ask for help i would like to unlink my microsoft acc i linked the wrong one
Would be nice if GGG could have a web page that shows how to merge a PS5 account with a Steam account. Trying to find the details is like trying to find a needle in New York City.

Already wasted 2 hours and reading all kinds of posts, but NOTHING gives the details to actually do it. So frustrating!
Elik666#1215 написал:
I don’t understand in post says if i link my PC account with ps5/xbox i can use microtransactions in my ps5. I linked, at my PS appeared on my account coins, but all my Stash and other microtransactions from PC not available.

First check in website ACCOUNT section "Manage account" that your account is truly merged or not in the Sony or Microsoft section below on that page.
If it shows linked, then Login to POE 1 for like 10 mins and see if it fixes anything.
If it shows not linked, then login to your ORIGINAL email and link them from authentication email. And do the POE1 10 mins login again.

HeyDad#3445 написал:
hello admin , i dont know where to ask for help i would like to unlink my microsoft acc i linked the wrong one

Fenril#8455 написал:
Would be nice if GGG could have a web page that shows how to merge a PS5 account with a Steam account. Trying to find the details is like trying to find a needle in New York City.

Already wasted 2 hours and reading all kinds of posts, but NOTHING gives the details to actually do it. So frustrating!

I'm in the same boat.
What I have heard and going to try:
1. Download regular PoE 2 client and login there with merged account and see if I can get inside (my pruchase was from XBOX and it works on xbox with all my pc microtransactions).
That's the first step that I am on.
After this, if I can login, stay logged in for 10 mins, then log out and check back on Steam if anything changed.

CS Precise#8648 написал:
How does one merge accounts together? I see a bunch of descriptions in the original post for how this is supposed to work, but where do you go to literally merge accounts?

I am looking to merge an Xbox account with a PC account.

CS Precise#8648 написал:
How does one merge accounts together? I see a bunch of descriptions in the original post for how this is supposed to work, but where do you go to literally merge accounts?

I am looking to merge an Xbox account with a PC account.

Go to your account page by clicking the Logged in as "example#3456" above (top left of page) then click "Manage Account" to the right of page or click here:

Then go down in "Secondary Login" start adding your account and it will say you have been sent a verification email.

Now, the REAL tricky part will come that I was stuck on:
The email will not be sent on the account you linked, such as Microsoft email, it will appear on your MAIN EMAIL account which may be a separate email.
This has nothing to do with junk email or spam folder or putting the GGG email in safe email list which I tried.

This is the kicker. So login to the MAIN email of the account and then the verification email WILL BE there.
Sorry if this has already been mentioned (fking long thread), but is the "accountname#****" **** = randomly generated or based on something ?

Like account age etc. ?

Thanks, carry on!

First check in website ACCOUNT section "Manage account" that your account is truly merged or not in the Sony or Microsoft section below on that page.
If it shows linked, then Login to POE 1 for like 10 mins and see if it fixes anything.
If it shows not linked, then login to your ORIGINAL email and link them from authentication email. And do the POE1 10 mins login again.

I think i get it. I bought stashes for poe1 PC and they do not transfer to poe 2 PS 5. Am I right?
I contacted support to change my account name and i haven't received any response in 1 day, usually ggg takes like 15 minutes to send a reply... :(

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