also there is no question there are millions of players. they had 600k concurrent on steam, plus they have several hundred thousand concurrent on their launcher. Its a no brainer there are several million people playing throughout the day using basic math.
Not quite correct. They peaked at 578,569 players on steam and are maintaining 479,961. So no I do not believe they have several million players at this time during EA.
Сообщениеdekahn#004811 дек. 2024 г., 15:08:08
Stuttering, game crashes and freezes aren't considered as known issues and not listed. Does anyone know why?
СообщениеNighus#787711 дек. 2024 г., 15:08:49
video games don't freeze pcs man, its almost always a hardware issue. This isn't a crash its a freeze
Сообщениеctmatlock86#761411 дек. 2024 г., 15:09:16
is the ram on your compatible mobo list?
Absolutely all 3 types I used are. I build my own rigs and check my parts.
Сообщениеdekahn#004811 дек. 2024 г., 15:09:40
learn the difference between concurrent players and players throughout the day
Сообщениеctmatlock86#761411 дек. 2024 г., 15:09:56
is the ram on your compatible mobo list?
Absolutely all 3 types I used are. I build my own rigs and check my parts.
you are freezing or just crashing?
Сообщениеctmatlock86#761411 дек. 2024 г., 15:10:17
learn the difference between concurrent players and players throughout the day
Concurrent means happening at the same time: 479,961 as I said.
Peak- 578,569
Not sure the issue here.
Сообщениеdekahn#004811 дек. 2024 г., 15:11:20
my recommendation for you guys is to look in your mobo manual or get the manual online and make sure you have approved ram for your mobo. That was my issue. it 100% went away we I replaced t-create ram with compatible corsair ram from the manual. Good luck guys. This game is very picky with ram but it is a hardware issue none the less.
Yes have approved ram lol. Stop this bullshit ! This is the only game where I crash.
СообщениеSeba2007#331511 дек. 2024 г., 15:11:43
is the ram on your compatible mobo list?
Absolutely all 3 types I used are. I build my own rigs and check my parts.
you are freezing or just crashing?
Hard lock on loading screens, forced to restart.
Сообщениеdekahn#004811 дек. 2024 г., 15:11:50
learn the difference between concurrent players and players throughout the day
Concurrent means happening at the same time: 479,961 as I said.
Peak- 578,569
Not sure the issue here.
the issue here is 600k at one time is different than having 1 million log in throughout 24 hours.
Сообщениеctmatlock86#761411 дек. 2024 г., 15:12:18