Continuous Stuttering/Lag Despite Stable FPS and Internet in PoE 2 Early Access
Joining the left out club guys. Insane spikes from 20 to 2700 ms in maps. Burned all t15 and leagues with them dying to godknows what when waiting for ms to flaten....
Maybe instead of bricking ppl builds, GGG should do something about that and loot, item rarity controversy... But i'm sure they'll brush off bugs like the 2 previous patches and just nerf MF without doing anything else, so ppl (not us we can play) that abused it will come out even wealthier cause we wont have ways to catch up anymore. Honestly fk that i'll take a break from the game |
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Joining the left out club guys. Insane spikes from 20 to 2700 ms in maps. Burned all t15 and leagues with them dying to godknows what when waiting for ms to flaten....
Maybe instead of bricking ppl builds, GGG should do something about that and loot, item rarity controversy... But i'm sure they'll brush off bugs like the 2 previous patches and just nerf MF without doing anything else, so ppl (not us we can play) that abused it will come out even wealthier cause we wont have ways to catch up anymore. Honestly fk that i'll take a break from the game |
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F. I'm back to having to use an ethernet cable to not get stutters. Are some nodes just more sensitive?
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Game has been unplayable for me on east coast NA servers.
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Dear GGG, if you can't fix the server problems, at least release an offline mode so we can play the game!!! I play solo-self found, I never interact with anyone, and despite that, I still cannot play the game with 1000ms lag spikes randomly, so please, do like last epoch did and release an offline mode.
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Game is completely unplayable for me as well. The stutters have made certain of this.Taking a long break until this gets fixed...
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I run with good specs, SSD and RAM, however.
1.) I am constantly experiencing huge fps drops while attacking. I am sure I could get the same FPS if I removed the GPU and played with the processor's internal GPU. 2.) The game engine is terrible. There are too many layers. The GPU can't handle them all at once. 3.) It completely freezes the PC on the loading screen. 4.) The simplified crafting system you introduced sucks. Omen's drop rate is rarer than my dad giving birth. At least add scour and atleration to the game. We're not playing Ruttless. We don't enjoy the game that way, it's pure torture. GGG completely gone beyond the concept of casual friendly. 5.) There is not even a waystone stash tab. question mark???????? 6.) There is nothing in the patch notes other than nerfs and buffs. Your priority should be the above. Not nerfs or buffs. How could you release it when there are so many glaring bugs (did you not test the game at all?)? I am not a Poe hater. Anyone who wants can stalk my profile. Hey GGG, this topic is NOT going to go away, we need a fix here Последняя редакция: R4bidCat#1263. Время: 26 дек. 2024 г., 0:56:48
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Had some serious lagspikes going on when playing on my laptop. my first thought was that the game was running on the Igpu instead of the graphic card, since the fps was really low. And that was the case, so I changed that, which gave 150+ fps, but the game was still lagging like crazy, even though the fps looked good. So next step was to look into if i had any connection issues, which was not the case.
The solution I found was to disable nvidia overlay, and use process lasso to remove core 0 and 1 from being used by poe. For me it completely solved the problem and the game is running butter smooth. Hope it works for other people as well :) |
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Yeah, it can happen at all times and is not specifically related to server congestion, nor what's happening on screen. Can be afk in a corner and spiking to high heavens.
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Had some stuttering/lagging yesterday. Today all of a sudden it is unplayable. There is a stutter/lockup basically every second. Sometimes it can go smoothly for about 3 seconds and then it's back to stuttering at least once every second.
Tried other servers, updating Nvidia driver, shutting down stuff to free RAM. But it does not help. This is something for the Devs to fix probably. |
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