Continuous Stuttering/Lag Despite Stable FPS and Internet in PoE 2 Early Access

Hadrian#7993 написал:

Surely not... Any tech experts who can shed some light on this?
Add my name to this embarrassing list...
Completely unplayable in maps, one can only do so much research for days and days before throwing in the towel.

RTX 4070ti
I7 9700k
32GB Corsair Dominator RAM

I'm lucky to get over 30-40 fps tops in maps with every single setting combination and windows BS researching. I even went as far as formatting my entire computer and it hasn't changed a thing

GGG please fix your shit.

Sincerely a life-long player quitting the game until a fix is brought out.
lolbam#6898 написал:
Lowk#4386 написал:
Found a fix that worked for me so far, but it's specific to Wifi:

Settings -> Network and Internet -> Change Adapter Options (opens new window) -> right click WiFi -> Properties (opens new window) -> Configure button -> Advanced tab -> Wireless Mode -> from the drop-down menu on the right, select IEEE 802.11b

Not sure if there's a similar setting you can change on a hard-line connection.

All week I was getting constant, game-freezing hangs that the F1 screen showed as network lag. None of the other suggested fixes on this thread or Steam made a difference, but tonight I got nearly three hours of play with zero freezes. Credit to KOLA on Steam; I hope it's a simple fix for at least one other person who's been struggling to get the game playable again!

Yoooo… so passed few weeks I have had these issues and tried everything under the sun to fix.

Like normal I’m having lag/shuttering/ network ms spikes.

I did this and played for 3 hours tonight in peak hours no issues. No issues with maps and large breaches…

Hopefully it stays this way… first time I have had hope about solving these issues


Ok this seems to have worked for me too. Not exactly this because I didnt have the same options available, but I suggest changing a few settings around in this menu to see if things work.

For me I switched "Band Selection" to 5G Only (I tried 2.4 first and it was a slide show in game). Before it was on Dual Band and this seems have to resolved the constant 30ms - 600ms spikes every minute.

Try this out!
Ryzen 7
RX 6700XT

I lowered EVERYTHING to LOW ingame, just so i get 100fps.
I play other games like Overwatch on ULTRA high.
Not bothered by FPS that much but the NETWORK LAG is killing me, it was 30ms all throughout the campaing, as soon as i started doing maps i get spikes every 10 seconds for over 1k MS.
It is unplayable, i have a 100 MB download connection and play all other games without any problems.
There were brief moments this week where everything was smooth. Back to st-st-stuttering to stuttering back to stuttering-ing.

Fire the intern who designed map layouts, use that money to upgrade servers.
I get lag spikes between 20.00 and 00.00 hours every night. I am from Turkey, and I am sharing this information just so you know that people have the same problem all around the world! I've been constantly looking for a solution for two weeks.

I have a 1000mbps fiber internet connection and a good PC with 32 GB RAM, Ryzen 5500x, and 3070TI, which is enough for the game.

I even argued with my ISP (they told me there was no problem with my connection) and I even forced them to change my modem... Formatted my PC, tried all kinds of settings both in the game and in the Nvidia panel, removed and reinstalled the game, and every other solution in this kind of topic in forums. Nothing changes.
There is no problem in any other game. There is no problem during day time on weekdays but it is unplayable on the weekends and during evening hours.

I beg you, please someone find a solution for this. I only have 2-3 hours to play the game after tiring work days and this happens. I was waiting for this game for ages and I'm really about to be pissed off!!!
Последняя редакция: randale413#5220. Время: 27 дек. 2024 г., 13:39:27
This is just bs. The game has been unplayable for almost a month, and developers ignore one-hundred-page threads on the forum. Nice work, GGG!

I'm just quitting this game. It's impossible. It's a pity you cannot refund this thrash on PSN.
sh987#2899 написал:
So, I had tried everything under the sun; all of the various things which people posted, and it definitely wasn't my hardware... As soon as I turned off the vibration on my controller, the lag spikes completely disappeared.

I know that won't help non-controller users, but I offer this for anybody who does use one. It worked for me.

For everyone with CPU and Shader spikes, this might be it. At least for me.
Having the same issues with unplayable lag spikes.
Tried VPN and same problems.
same issue, 7950x3d with a geforce 4090. cant play poe2 without dieing to constant 3-5 second stutters. poe1 works perfectly, its gonna be an optimization issue...

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