Viper Napuatzi

Happened here too.

Also: if someone in a party dies near the soldiers, and gets revived after the soldiers have closed in, that revived player is stuck in the soldiers wall.
Bug report # 1,530,042,339

same deal, she got stuck outside

EDIT: Almost happened again, but fortunately she was floating and came back in before landing
Последняя редакция: iRemainStanding#5668. Время: 11 дек. 2024 г., 12:06:13
Happend to me too here is the link to the imgur pic: link

Bug report reference number is 1.599.307.891
Последняя редакция: ashnug#3215. Время: 11 дек. 2024 г., 14:13:07
When the soldiers moved forward after their attack phase and I got stuck in them. Viper stopped responding to me and I had to respawn at checkpoint.
Bug Report ID: #3731675261

Same issue
Bug Report ID: #2199941235
Bug reference number 2.199.941.235

stuck behind her guards
same happened to me, bug report 3701428254
+1 of the same issue, stuck between soldiers and unable to move.
Reference ID: 772 624 947
Same here, bug report nr. 292.249.076 - she's stuck in the soldier wall, I cannot hit her, tp doesn't work, relogging and restarting the game doesn't help, I start in the middle of the fight again.

Char bricked :(
Happened to me as well.
I got stuck in shields after rolling and couldn't progress the fight at all. (restart at checkpoint)
Napuatzi got stuck on some other attempt but fortunately unstuck herself by going into bombardment phase after some time.

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