Path of Exile 2: Upcoming Changes and Improvements

Horojkee#0953 написал:
So instead of addressing the difficulty of the Trial of Sekhemas for every play style you simply forced everyone to play in close range in order to try saving more honour? What a nice change! Now I have to run straight to mobs as a summoner, because honour is a cancer even for range classes.

Also, it seems that you don't play your game at all. Minions are always stuck behind each other out of attack range in narrow corridors of the third floor in the trial because someone decided that they should not have phasing. So out of 7 minions, 2-3 are actually attacking in 50% of rooms. AND they trigger traps which do damage in AOE making me lose honour uncontrollably each time I go to the gauntlet room. Play this mess yourselves, I'm out.

don't expect GGG devs to play the game or talk about it unless it's an interview with predetermined questions, this isnt Last Epoch, or Grim Dawn, or Diablo 4. there's a reason all of them have private profiles, never stream any gameplay or never interact with the forum posts about builds, meta, etc. they're not playing.
"buff grenades"

- Buff Grenades (Buff-Grenades)
Последняя редакция: auspexa#1404. Время: 17 дек. 2024 г., 5:00:35
Trial of Sekhemas still broken. just did 2 runs of it.
EryX6#4824 написал:
Trial of Sekhemas still broken. just did 2 runs of it.

Jfc.. the patch isn't out yet.

The state of these forums is just mindboggling awful.
A good representation of todays society I suppose.
Последняя редакция: yhn_yohan#2057. Время: 17 дек. 2024 г., 5:02:53
All sound like really positive changes. Thanks for the update GGG!
so many positive changes. until the nerf. seems like no nerf dev cannot live
auspexa#1404 написал:
don't expect GGG devs to play the game or talk about it unless it's an interview with predetermined questions, this isnt Last Epoch, or Grim Dawn, or Diablo 4. there's a reason all of them have private profiles, never stream any gameplay or never interact with the forum posts about builds, meta, etc. they're not playing.

I miss the "Build of the week" series so much, man. At least it showed that they were in touch with current meta for some degree. Now, it seems they are so deep into that D2 fantasy that they've forgotten what made PoE a great game. And with the development of this garbage, PoE1 will wither away at some point. So sad.
"An aspirant can afford to be promising. An emperor must keep those promises.", right, GGG?
Sanguimancy rebalance when ???
"Basically it's a situation in which a certain skill is so powerful that players feel no other method of playing the game is viable."

Why do devs insist on killing the enjoyment of those who choose to use an OP build with this lame excuse .. this is a game for adults, adults shouldn't need nice things taken away because some stil act as kids!

Nom this isn't the reason, the real reason is that you (GGG) simply want to retain the illusion this is a game worth of the respect of Elden Ring and will do anything to avoid players being able to enjoy the game without being one-shot simply because they missed-timed a single lame dodge roll which GGG have implemented .. if you really want an ER-like you need to make the dodge roll ER-like, and PoE2;s isn't it!
CptBlackout#6588 написал:
Great changes, but good god this comment section is cancer.

I am baffled at the level of toxicity over the smallest things, people complaining about increase to spirit cost of arsonist as if it's the death of minion builds.. I just don't know what to say anymore. In that case, it is certainly a much bigger problem that there aren't parity between the spirit cost of minions, than the fact that you have to get slightly more spirit to summon your arsonists now than you did before, is it not? if not, you are clearly missing the forest for the trees here.

Also saw someone say Galvanic Shards have been nerfed, yeah it's been nerfed for group play. Do people even read or comprehend the changes made? because it really doesn't sound like it.

We asked for cheaper respecs, we got cheaper respecs.

We said maps were too hard and the minus res was ridiculous, they removed the minus res from maps and generally made maps less punishing.

Melee said trial of Sekhema was too difficult and frustrating, they specifically made it easier for melee and nerfed the boss in several ways.

And i could go on.

They've listened and they've made appropriate and fair changes. Should the cheaper respecs have gone in with the first round of nerfs? Sure but hindsight is 20/20.

I am disappointed in people's inability to be a little bit appreciative for what GGG is doing, which is listening to us and implementing changes that we want.

You are right on most points but the map one you are not. They didn't make maps less punishing, they made them a bit easier. Punishing means that you will be punished for doing something wrong like die for example, punishment is the same as it was which is:
1. Waste of the waystone you upgraded
2. Waste of the node on map since it no longer have boss/breach or whatever it had
3. Waste of your time which you spend while doing said map
4. Waste of your time by getting 10% of your exp drop

In my personal opinion point 2 is just too much since you literally need to buff by a lot a waystone to do boss to drop maps just to sustain your amount of waystones on level you are currently doing like 1 death only limit is too much.

I don't know why we do need so much punishments for one death inside a map, no clue. Maybe when ppl were young the time wasn't as much precious for them but while being older an hour of my time has a lot of value so just losing it by -10% exp is punishment enough
Crashing in trial of chaos with friend during the first boss phase over and over. playing spark witch

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