Path of Exile 2: Upcoming Changes and Improvements

Still waiting to be able to change ascendancy classes..... Stuck as Acolyte of Chayula hating my life.....
For cast on Freeze builds its already had to refreeze bosses after the first couple, and our damage realty falls off towards the end of boss fights. Is there a chance that while you are making it harder to freeze the enemies that you adjust trigger gems to perhaps still count as getting frozen without actually freezing the boss? This would let cast on freeze work later into fights while still not perma freezing the boss.
elkmanub#4294 написал:
Still waiting to be able to change ascendancy classes..... Stuck as Acolyte of Chayula hating my life.....

They were very clear that they wouldn't be allowing you to change ascendancies. It will be much faster for you to reroll if you want to play Invoker, because they have only stated that they're open to feedback regarding swapping ascendancies, but never anything about it actually coming.
"Life is like the sea; tides and currents sometimes take a man to distant shores that he never dreamed existed."
GGG you are awesome at what you do! I found PoE2 particularly frustrating when I reach mid-game (tier 1-3 maps), and having a little break now until some updates are live. I'll wait till the end of times for you, and you have my full confidence and respect! Just imagine what PoE2 will be in a year or two! I can't WAIT to see what you do! Keep it up!
Mélìndra#4267 написал:
StonedRob#4061 написал:
Last nerf bricked my first character if my second character gets nerfed ALREADY I'll be done playing this game. At least until the Streamers you guys follow find all the broken builds for you guys to nerf and see if the game is even any fun by that point.

I think the amount of changes and nerfs you guys do makes it extremely hard for the casual gamer. I've had fun so far but please don't BRICK my characters.

If you can't handle builds getting nerfed left and right, don't play early access. That's the goal of GGG : have us try out and test so they can balance it.

Hard disagree. The point of Early Access is to test every part of the game, and balance accordingly. Nerfing everything into the ground is NOT balancing. Nerf a few broken OP skills, sure, but at the same time you should be buffing the underperforming skills. Arsonist builds were barely average compared to many of the other builds out there for other classes. Witches aren't killing bosses in 2-3 seconds like some of the Monk / Sorc builds are. At no point was a SRS/Arsonist Witch insta-killing bosses like Slam warriors were. Don't compare completely broken OP skills with a skill that is simply the best available option (and still mediocore damage compared to other classes).

Witch players are mostly playing SRS/Arsonist builds because that is the ONLY viable option for late game. Bloodmages aren't pushing T10+ maps because the abilities are garbage. Nobody is using the other Skeleton mages because they are more support than damage, and they don't synergize with anything worthwhile. As it stands now, GGG is nerfing any build that is popular. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with overall balance between classes.

Once you get in the T5-T10 maps, survivability gets harder. Your only option with a Witch is to have decent damage to kill the mobs before they insta-kill you. This is now the 3rd nerf in the last week to the SRS/Arsonist build. They already nerfed Grim Feast into the ground, which was our only viable defense option.

I fully expect there to be balance changes in an EA game. However, there should be actual balance of buffing bad skills to counter nerfing good skills. As it stands right now, they just keep nerfing the fun out of the popular classes.
You want to improve the quality of life of melee characters in Sanctuary.
But just reduce damage in melee combat. All melee monsters attack in close, all shooter monsters attack at a distance, no matter who they attack the shooter character or the fighters. Who thought of that? Probably the same genius who made Sanctuary mandatory for everyone (ultimatum is dead).
50% gold cost reduction still would not been cheap enough for me to respec my entire tree after you bricked my build. That would make it cost 100k instead of 180k. I had only 40k at the time of nerf. I dont even want it to be cheaper only free when you brick my build with a patch.

would also be nice if you checked over the Arcanist's Etcher s drop rates have only gotten 1 this entire time
Any eta at all on the patch?
spardaknightz#4852 написал:
50% gold cost reduction still would not been cheap enough for me to respec my entire tree after you bricked my build. That would make it cost 100k instead of 180k. I had only 40k at the time of nerf. I dont even want it to be cheaper only free when you brick my build with a patch.

I farmed 100k in like 20 minutes as a scuffed half-equipped CI Acolyte of Chayula Hexblast monkey. I'm sure you can find the gold to do it.

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