Path of Exile 2: Upcoming Changes and Improvements

Please add some sort of crash/disconnect protection to trials. Having to restart from the beginning when something happens just feels awful
Thank you for buffing bone magic, just wish there was more support for it in the witch tree that doesn't require going all the way to monk tree to buff it.

also, are going to look at how runes don't help magic at all? because melee/range get this bonus, but magic does not. And this is a bias that needs to be addressed.

Also, attack dmg from gloves does not benefit magic at all since it is categorized as attack and not spell, which also doesn't help magic users. Is there also a solution or a thing in the works to address this issue as well?

TheAntiScorpion#3726 написал:

would also be nice if you checked over the Arcanist's Etcher s drop rates have only gotten 1 this entire time

Pick up any magic weapons with quality and destroy them on the salvage bench...
Good stuff but ... still no ascendancy respec...
whats up with cast on tuesday though? any rebalances coming? i mean sorc is pretty much just shock archmage stuff everything else seems to be made to be used with a cast on freeze or ignite or do you intent for people to self cast ice nova on self cast frozen orbs? if you havent tried it, its horrible gameplay. sorc seems pretty mid after the changes, will you do something about it or just leave it in the state it is now? there are a lot of bow and crossbow builds that perform better than what cof used to before the nerfs and you dont seem to care about that either
spardaknightz#4852 написал:
50% gold cost reduction still would not been cheap enough for me to respec my entire tree after you bricked my build. That would make it cost 100k instead of 180k. I had only 40k at the time of nerf. I dont even want it to be cheaper only free when you brick my build with a patch.

Holy shit respec has to have some weight to it. It is super easy to gather gold for your respecs even now. You aint gonna do FULL TREE resets every other day.. just dont play other peoples builds, create your own, dont have problem with having to respec entire tree.
Mathils actual cat
"How do we define overpowered? Basically it's a situation in which a certain skill is so powerful that players feel no other method of playing the game is viable."
So basicly ANYTHING that players will like and play you will nerf because other skills arent played ?
im sorry .... show on the puppet were the bad man touched you

i feel like your gonna use that excuse to kill anything and everything that aint goin your way
Labarb#6730 написал:
"How do we define overpowered? Basically it's a situation in which a certain skill is so powerful that players feel no other method of playing the game is viable."
So basicly ANYTHING that players will like and play you will nerf because other skills arent played ?
im sorry .... show on the puppet were the bad man touched you

i feel like your gonna use that excuse to kill anything and everything that aint goin your way

Come on buddy, reading isn't that hard. Something being extremely powerful to the point that no other build is viable is not the same as 'anything that players will like'

Criticism of the game is fine, but it's ridiculous how irrational people in their arguments.
End of day, you want build variety. There is always gonna be some field of meta, but the fact this many people jumped ship to play copypaste and are still talking about respec kind of says it all. You guys want poe1, and lucky for y'all it's not going away!

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