The "on death" revenge surprise could be tweaked just a tiny weeny bit down...
Let's say I wasnt particularly happy about this...
W only GGG
СообщениеSaymyname#688217 дек. 2024 г., 15:44:36
PLS bring back 6 PORTAL ! ! !
1 portal game mechanics do not match the gameplay.
You can easily get one shot from mobs and your map goes to waste.
After waste a few maps like this, the game gets incredibly bad.
СообщениеLut4#108217 дек. 2024 г., 15:49:49
when will we get more MTX from POE1??
СообщениеChaikor#841617 дек. 2024 г., 15:52:44
Very nice patch! But when you add item filter on console?
СообщениеCzyzu93#719517 дек. 2024 г., 15:52:45
I normaly dont post stuff, But the only issue i/we have is that the endgame mechaninc with only 1 portal is way to hard.Dying randomaly and than the map is over? even harder if you play in party :/
soooo pls change that back :3
СообщениеSubjekt17#052317 дек. 2024 г., 15:55:36
"How do we define overpowered? Basically it's a situation in which a certain skill is so powerful that players feel no other method of playing the game is viable."
So basicly ANYTHING that players will like and play you will nerf because other skills arent played ?
im sorry .... show on the puppet were the bad man touched you
i feel like your gonna use that excuse to kill anything and everything that aint goin your way
This is THEIR game, not yours. If their vision isn't being represented the way they want, they can change it.
Is it just me? Does this not make sense to anyone else?
But WE should play this game so they should listen to feedback and take a step back from their vision if it interfere with what most people want. Without players they couldnt make their game.
Is it just me? Does this not make sense to anyone else?
GGG plz fix cpu usuge
Сообщениеalexy1223#541317 дек. 2024 г., 15:58:45
Give us six portals back.
no pls, stop crying
Сообщениеbattou999#542517 дек. 2024 г., 16:03:38
"How do we define overpowered? Basically it's a situation in which a certain skill is so powerful that players feel no other method of playing the game is viable."
So basicly ANYTHING that players will like and play you will nerf because other skills arent played ?
im sorry .... show on the puppet were the bad man touched you
i feel like your gonna use that excuse to kill anything and everything that aint goin your way
This is THEIR game, not yours. If their vision isn't being represented the way they want, they can change it.
Is it just me? Does this not make sense to anyone else?
But WE should play this game so they should listen to feedback and take a step back from their vision if it interfere with what most people want. Without players they couldnt make their game.
Is it just me? Does this not make sense to anyone else?
Hundreds of thousands of sustained players that obviously are enjoying THEIR game. You just might not be one of them, and that's fine.
СообщениеValsacar#026817 дек. 2024 г., 16:03:42