Path of Exile 2: Upcoming Changes and Improvements
After the holidays, I think it might be a good idea to put out a note on what the intended player power and speed should be when nearing endgame and through mapping. A lot of builds are slow, methodical, chunking away at packs. Is this the intended gameplay that a build should strive for? Some builds press a button or two, and the entire screen dies (fireball, lightning arrow, monk flicker strike, etc). Is this the intended gameplay that a build should strive for? Explaining this would help alleviate frustrations when you nerf or buff skills and builds. On one hand, for example, cast on freeze triggering was nerfed a bit previously, and you further nerfed freeze by limiting chain freezing. On the other, these crazy fireball and monk flickerstrike builds are allowed to exist which seem to be much stronger and faster to play. Im currently playing any of the builds above, but I guess Im just a bit confused when they nerf something that doesnt seem too strong but others are light years beyond what was nerfed. |
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Please optimize the game graphics, as it is difficult to achieve higher frame rates compared to other games
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votre système d'ascension est a chier y a aucun fun a faire son ascension , juste de la frustration , les malus sont abominables aussi bien en épreuve du chaos ou en épreuve de shekema la perte d'honneur est un system vraiment nul , à quand le retour des labyrinthes ... et vous aviez dis les micro transactions seront sur poe2 et les skins d'armures que j'ai acheté en novembre sur poe1 en me disant je les aurais sur poe2 et bien non ils sont juste indisponible sur cette version ca me dis !!! donc je vais faire un ticket en espérant être remboursé ! et une chose aussi hyper frustrante c'est de perde les portail de map après une mort ... qui à approuvé CA !!! ca donne juste envie de casser sont écran !
your ascension system sucks, there's no fun in climbing ,just frustration, the penalties are abominable both in chaos test or in the test of shekema the loss of honor is a really bad system, when will the mazes return ?,,,and you said the micro transactions will be on poe2 and the armor skins that I bought in November on poe1 telling myself I would have them on poe2 well no they are just unavailable on this version that tells me!!! so I'm going to submit a ticket and hope to be reimbursed! and one thing that is also super frustrating is losing the map portals after a death... who approved THAT!!! It just makes you want to break your screen! |
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dam infernalist minion ded?
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if you cempleately remove the Honor system then it will be 100% win
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Great work devs.
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Warriors need some love, strength stacking should be a no-brainer for new players but its underperforming hard
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" you couldnt be more wrong. stacking builds are usually premium builds not suitable for new players. and strength stacking builds are not under performing. you just play it wrong. check out steelmage's str stacking bd |
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