Path of Exile 2: Upcoming Changes and Improvements

coderedplayer#9655 написал:
Trading is a nightmare, we should be able to search and get items instantly when someone posts an item, make it like the currency exchange. 90% of the time we get someone that doesn’t speak your language or they try to give you the wrong item

It is intended to not be "easy" like the currency exchange. Devs speak about it in videos. Trading like it is now has been working fine over many years.
Yes there are scammers which is why you need to see you get the right item and the right price.
He4toX#5225 написал:
bingobango845#6989 написал:

everything freezes and you have to reboot pc. 3x before i got into the game today

I had the same problem but then i deleted win11 24h2 update and evrything works fine. if you can't delete update then try to use cpu limiter and limit cpu usage to betwen -5 and -10% for poe2 game
mrsarun#0406 написал:
coderedplayer#9655 написал:
Trading is a nightmare, we should be able to search and get items instantly when someone posts an item, make it like the currency exchange. 90% of the time we get someone that doesn’t speak your language or they try to give you the wrong item

It is intended to not be "easy" like the currency exchange. Devs speak about it in videos. Trading like it is now has been working fine over many years.
Yes there are scammers which is why you need to see you get the right item and the right price.

i would say its not like its been in many years, kinda hard so search for some suffixes and prefixes on items, and try to sell or buy a time-lost jewel
I normally don't post, but there's some major work that needs to be done regarding bugs and class issues.

Where are the updates? The last major update was almost a month ago. I understand that it's the holidays, but if you can't consistently release updates for POE2, how is the community supposed to trust you to balance both games and consistently release good leagues?

I really hope I'm wrong, but all I've seen over the last several months points to GGG being unable to handle this kind of workload.
First patch: nerf cast on freezing.
2nd patch: nerf freezing.
3rd patch will completelly remove freezing from the game I assume?

Come on guys, freezing is fun. It's finally a reliable defense-offense mechanism after being useless aside from just another source of damage in PoE 1.
First post on here,

loving the game but there is so much that detract me from the gaming aspect of this game

- Ascendancies are a huge fucking joke more than half the characters and builds cant do them effectively even when you are over leveled due to a bunch of other things. i.e on death effects, effects you cant see, bosses with crazy one shots with no build up, defences gatekeeped out of acts.

- Gem level costs, i mean leveling a gem is supposed to feel good but you receive more negatives than posistives, i.e. more cost more requirments for no noticable damage or utility

- The heavy scaling on gear means that if rng isnt with you, you are left limping through acts praying for a weapon since you cant craft one without rolling that lootbox rng again

I could go one and many have, after watching alot of pre-pre-release videos im left confused to if GGG actually played there game.

Rant over, love this game and want to play this till my little fingers drop off.

looking forward to more than nerfs and minor tweaks since there is need to overhaul existing systems not just adjustments to there values
Последняя редакция: chrishulk#0442. Время: 2 янв. 2025 г., 9:01:37
Please look into loot filters for Cloud Gaming Services.
Native Loot filtering would enable me to play endgame, right now the client lags out on juiced endgame maps due to the sheer volume of loot displayed.
Vacation from Dec 16th past Jan 3rd... Sure you didn't just take that ea money and run?
rrogan17#2926 написал:
zackfreeman#1087 написал:
Close combat is quite pitiful in POE 1, and obviously equally pitiful in POE 2. Weak, if designers don't like melee, why not delete this profession? That's really pitiful

People like you are bad for the community. Please leave as you provide no benefit, only a pretentious kid. Annoying af

Can't I express my own experience and feelings? So, what is the purpose of letting me experience it???
Loot filter x box...

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