Path of Exile 2: Upcoming Changes and Improvements

Guys just delete Sanctum and Ultimatum from trials. Thank you.
Sanctum and ultimatum are great. Just do it harder and more important
For the love of fracking god please let us at least pick up the loot in map after a death. It feels so fracking brutal when you die at the end of a insane breach and all that loot is on the floor! Give us back 6 portal PLEASE!!
ZhadowZG#7378 написал:
Sarke#5416 написал:
Some reviews I have now that I have properly played it for a while:

1 Item rarity problem is Huge. I had to change my whole itemization with almost zero item rarity to add some cos I had 0 divines dropped since I started. Feel so mandatory.

3 Market prizes are way too high already. I had the issue that I had to stop playing for a week since my job demanded me some extra hours in xmax. When I got back to the game, all worth at lest 1 divine and exalted orbs worth pretty much nothing.
Since I had 0 item rarity in my itemization, is being really hard to find cheap items with decent stats + item rarity. MArket is almost unafordable for people in my situation.

Didn't even bother reading the rest after this BS.
Rarity.. needed in games like this and it not being in PoE 1 was a HUGE problem. Zero challenge, no reward to multiple builds, just face roll everything in game in one way gg.

Lmao the market is perfectly fine, I just geared up a Monk for like 15ex and am clearing T13s. Thats absolutely pathetic. Nothing holds value currently because Rarity is too good. Needs reduced, but needs to be remain needed.

The market is perfectly fine? You poor poor lost little thing. You know nothing.
theb0necrusher#4554 написал:
I normally don't post, but there's some major work that needs to be done regarding bugs and class issues.

Where are the updates? The last major update was almost a month ago. I understand that it's the holidays, but if you can't consistently release updates for POE2, how is the community supposed to trust you to balance both games and consistently release good leagues?

I really hope I'm wrong, but all I've seen over the last several months points to GGG being unable to handle this kind of workload.

" The last major update was almost a month ago "

The game is not even one month old ( released 6 December ) and the update was done literally two weeks ago ( 19 December ? ) with the holidays since . Either you have no notion of time , either you should be more creative when you try to spin such whine as legitimate complaint because this sounds embarrassing .
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
Flamers who have no any support pack is bots.
So stfu.
SeizeTheTaco#4259 написал:
ZhadowZG#7378 написал:
Sarke#5416 написал:
Some reviews I have now that I have properly played it for a while:

1 Item rarity problem is Huge. I had to change my whole itemization with almost zero item rarity to add some cos I had 0 divines dropped since I started. Feel so mandatory.

3 Market prizes are way too high already. I had the issue that I had to stop playing for a week since my job demanded me some extra hours in xmax. When I got back to the game, all worth at lest 1 divine and exalted orbs worth pretty much nothing.
Since I had 0 item rarity in my itemization, is being really hard to find cheap items with decent stats + item rarity. MArket is almost unafordable for people in my situation.

Didn't even bother reading the rest after this BS.
Rarity.. needed in games like this and it not being in PoE 1 was a HUGE problem. Zero challenge, no reward to multiple builds, just face roll everything in game in one way gg.

Lmao the market is perfectly fine, I just geared up a Monk for like 15ex and am clearing T13s. Thats absolutely pathetic. Nothing holds value currently because Rarity is too good. Needs reduced, but needs to be remain needed.

The market is perfectly fine? You poor poor lost little thing. You know nothing.

The tradesite is bugged, use relative to show things in exalts, the market is infact fine for decent/good rares
Sarke#5416 написал:
ZhadowZG#7378 написал:

Didn't even bother reading the rest after this BS.
Rarity.. needed in games like this and it not being in PoE 1 was a HUGE problem. Zero challenge, no reward to multiple builds, just face roll everything in game in one way gg.

Lmao the market is perfectly fine, I just geared up a Monk for like 15ex and am clearing T13s. Thats absolutely pathetic. Nothing holds value currently because Rarity is too good. Needs reduced, but needs to be remain needed.

U are wrong.
Item quality did work in POE1 but it didnt work for currency.
Currency were only affected by item quantity and it were a far better system.

U need to leave free stats for people to do their crazy builds instead of forcing them to pick a single stat no matter what them build making also the rest of the items pure trash if them dont have it.
Thats not how it is supposed to work.

did you mean item rarity or item quantity? Cause quantity DID affect currency since it increased drop rates.
Apologies for the delay, staff members of GGG.

I hope you all enjoyed your holidays and had a good time.

We are eagerly waiting for new content from you guys and to hear from you.
are there going to be life nodes in the passive tree? please!!! Theres too much stun ress and stun

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