Path of Exile 2: Upcoming Changes and Improvements

+1 for the 6 portals

i think that it scares too many players off.

i really like the idea but im experienced in poe. for new players its a bit harsh^^

and any updates coming?
What if the developers of Path of Exile went back to the first game, listened to Reddit feedback, and instead of fixing bugs, which is the main purpose of early access, decided to nerf classes, which would be a questionable decision.

Sounds like to me you're going down the diablo train!
I love it so far. What I think would be interesting is if you kept the map portal death system the way it is, but allowed teammates to resurrect each other and consume portals; this would be an interesting way to promote team play.

Happy new year to GGG and all of the other filthy degenerates like me from poe1; this has been an incredible launch and I am excited to see the next acts!

P.S. Ruthless can't arrive fast enough :D
Последняя редакция: Hironaru#7340. Время: 3 янв. 2025 г., 1:13:44

Since yesterday the game has been crashing every third waystone. It's starting to get annoying. no idea what it could be
lost a divine orb to the 1 portal mechanic for the first time today after 350 hours, will never be and have not been more sad in my life.

also the performance is dog shit in every single map except oasis. please fix.

also where the F is my pilfering ring and the other 10,000 poe 1 mtx's that were supposed to be supported in poe 2?
Последняя редакция: TravisPowel#4558. Время: 3 янв. 2025 г., 2:14:59
same for GeforceNow users, allow loot filter plz
ssf migration when )=
I hope you rethink the way the ascendancy works. I am currently at 3/4 and I have no motivation whatsoever to get the ascendancy because the experience is so miserable. I don't really need the last point that much but it's a shame that I feel this way and actively avoid the content; that is a failure in the design as far as I'm concerned.

When it comes to "Sanctum" aka Balbala trials it's way easier than Ultimatum (for melee at least) so objectively it's the thing I "should" do. I just find the content to be so fundamentally unenjoyable that I don't want to interact with it; I'd simply rather not play than do it.

Ultimatum is absolutely awful for melee because of the Sky Seer. I tried a few of the highest tier Ultimatums and I had no issues in any of them until I inevitably met the Sky Seer towards the end. This fight is broken for melee with the tornado, and it needs to be fixed. Sure, I can keep smashing my face into this, but I won't. It's one of the most frustrating gaming experiences I've had in a long time. I don't mind difficulty, but there's a difference between difficult and just flat out infuriatingly frustrating. This goes in the latter category.

Ultimatum is, in my opinion, way preferable to Balbala trials but it still needs many fixes.

1) The ruin shade teleporting to you/attacking you when you're placing down stones and are locked in an animation.
2) Sky Seer tornado (like mentioned earlier). Way too short telegraph, way too much damage, you're screwed as melee.
3) The Chimera fight is like digital CBT; it's not hard but chasing that MF around the air and trying to locate him is just a very unenjoyable experience.
4) Maybe one more choice for debuffs? The way it is now they are extremely punishing and bad RNG can very quickly make the run hopeless for some builds.

I really hope this is not a hill you guys will die on; especially considering the massive amount of feedback from people who find it awful. The ascendancy is a big part of your character progression and it should NEVER be gated behind a contentious mechanic (Sanctum) that a lot of people dislike.
Game performance is horrible, fix that above everything else. Don't really care about anything else at this point.

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