Path of Exile 2 - Patch 0.1.1 Patch Note Preview

你就不愿意把附近的稀有怪标记一下是吧? 这种负反馈有什么意义?
Add a auction house in game for Christ sake this is barbaric, and a joke and you know it. your reasons for an out of game auction house or trade market whatever u call that trash is ridiculous and tedious to everyone its not enjoyable or fun alt tabbing just to check prices or the market outside of the main game is stupid. every game has had an in game market for players to sell items from player to player for years what is your excuse for this trash you call a market because its hurts the legit player way more then someone RMTing who is literally just going to site on your out of game market to make money they literally don't need to play the game you made is way easier for them

been in game having to move to stop afk kicking or botting is a much better option then u just letting them control the market and market value and also 9(% of player admit to hating and never using the market u have made due to it been outside of the game just don't sell or would rather disenchant items due to how hard and useless your trading system is you literally have to download 3rd party add Ons to price check because your market is atrocious. you know its horrible you know its worse then bad its completely useless and people have complained about it since Path of Exile 1 what are you doing where is the QQL and improvements ????????? other then that amazing job with the game only thing wrong with it is your out of game market / auction house or whatever u call that thing it slows down players and bums you out realizing you have items that could be worth something but you then realize its going to take you hours of price checking and alt tabbing just o put them on the Market for them to not get sold because no one can see your item or they cant be stuffed going out of game to use a market.... you see the problem its not fun its not enjoyable its not good flow u have to completely stop playing to sell1 item its a joke. and you know it.
kwek kwek
Swords pls.
fuck this stupid game man, for twice now, servers act up when trialmaster is less than 25%, WTF IS WRONG WITH YOUR GAME MAAAANNNNNN DOES ASCENDANCY SHOULD BE THIS RETARDED!?!?!?
SoggySamitch#1734 написал:
Add a auction house in game for Christ sake this is barbaric...

this is like 75% of the game for me :D normal AH would be too shallow

How boring and small.
Последняя редакция: Kenavru#3470. Время: 19 янв. 2025 г., 4:13:31
And here we are and still have Minions that are literally non functional in thight Spaces like corridors, small Bridges and DOORS
Januchmain#0086 написал:
Ritual is still fcked up with its respawns forcing players to avoid this mechanic.

yup ritual is freakin dumb. the rewards are trash anyway. but still...
the way they want this game to be "the vision" and the way rituals are just does not work. they have no place in Poe2. or they need to rework them.
Datherius94#5558 написал:
Чапалах#6809 написал:
why didn't you nerf the stackers attribute??? Absolutely broken build. Did you really not know anything about this?? I suffer on a wretched warrior. When people on the attribute stacker fly through the map in 1.5 minutes.

That's exactly how the attribute stacker build works you dullhead. It's been a thing for YEARS in poe1.

And we're still nothing in comparison to the archmage spark build, so there's that.

Not our fault you chose to play a trash build?

Absolute L take. not everyone wants the play super boring builds like spark.
Can you all stop yapping about what you want to change in an EARLY ACCESS game inside the PATCH NOTES where they are working on improving the game?
Have some fucking patience children.

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