A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

Poe 2 is not for me ,i just want POE 1 league !!BAD NEWS FOR ME !!
I dont believe people are surprise by this, you cant have 2 games at the same time with the same amount of people working on them. Also event if they do ship 3.26, dont expect anything else after. They have to do major company changes to support both. which i dont see it happening. Of course, if they manage to do something good for them and all that want poe1, but dont hold onto this.
Spend ALL your resources desperately trying to launch a game before 2025 to get your moneys worth before new years -launching a game that needed at least another 6 months in development.

Forsake POE1 despite promising not to several times.

Sit with two games that hold no attraction to play for God knows how long.

Goodbye GGG. It was a good run.
I deeply regret supporting you with 100 dollars for POE2 thinking it would deliver all your promises.
Really sad GGG. All these years I supported you because I thought this company was different. Guess the time is up and now you go the usual way of the greed.

just disappointing
Terrible decision to let PoE1 hang like this. We have been paying the PoE2 bills for the last few years and don't deserve to be left behind like that. Get both team sorted and let PoE2 take the time it needs. We NEED PoE1 leagues both not to get burnt out on poe2 and to keep the great game we love running.

PoE2 should by now have gathered enough money to not needing PoE to pay for everything. Pull the Poe1 team off PoE2 and make the next poe1 league asap. Use that time to bring in and train more poe2 devs. Use the time to nerf op builds and bring up weak skills in poe2. There should be a lot of data to work on.

A lot of us don't like where PoE2 is heading but instead like/love the PoE1 game play. Giving us this low priority is bad business. After all we are the fallback game if PoE2 needs more than a year or two to get going.

Sad times
its really funny seeing these people comment with close to 0 supporter pack on their profile, thinking their input has the same merit of all the disappointed longtime actual supporters.
We memed on the vision for years, but it seems the vision was the glue holding the game together and what made it the best in class arpg.

Good luck to all the players and dedicated devs, lets hope the ship can be righted.
I regret giving you money for POE 2 so much :(
Nah, just abandon PoE1 and put focus on PoE2, it's a much more modern base to build on. I don't get this live service plague of keeping old games alive. If a sequel is released, it should take over. Otherwise you spread the team too thin.

PoE2 has glaring issues but it's just released ffs. Do people even remember PoE1 2 months after release? Just let them work on PoE2 and improve it.

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