A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

This is not the company I´ve supported and praised for years, you´re starting to look more and more like every other company out there.

I suspect you will come to regret neglecting your core community and game just because of some great "vision" to build a new baby, get your shit together.

sirgog#5608 написал:
This would be a good time to rerun a POE1 event like Endless Delve.

Let us pretend that 3.26 is actually a thing and not another lie on the pile of lies this company is famous for. 0.2.0 of POE2 is going to be early-ish March. That means, at best, 4 months of dev time means a new league in July. That means 3.25 will have gone for A FULL CALENDAR YEAR.

GGG, please just sell POE1 to a company that will actually work on it.
Ppl and streamers are leaving PoE2 and go back to PoE1, and now this? Shame.
I dont want to play that HC game anymore, i want my old PoE1 build diversity and massive endgame and challenges. I want my barbarian to be so tanky to chill through maps not being the weakest pile of trash with useless armor and pathetic hp.

I havent logged in to poe 2 for 2 weeks now because it's boring, no challenges, no endgame, irritating layout of maps you literally cant choose(alwas augury, vaal factory, Mire), HC logout macro heavy gameplay.

Thats a really Blizzard level of ruining your working games, I'm happy i didnt upgrade my early acces key to a supporter pack.

I had a lot of fun with poe1(8k hours)
I had some fun in PoE2 but really just hate the HC gameplay and the inability to choose maps.

pm: Maybe hire some devs from the billions of $$$ you got from PoE2 to run 2 games at once, If blizzard can do it, you can do it.
All right, you've damaged your reputation, at least in my eyes. Over the past 10 years, I've enjoyed supporting you by purchasing MTX and bundles, but that feeling has changed.

PoE2, in my opinion, is a misstep. It doesn't resonate with me, and I find the gameplay experience lacking.

While I might still play PoE occasionally, I won't be supporting you financially in the future. I feel like I've already contributed more than enough.
Unfortunately this is yet another, do I say "common" at this point, GGG L.

Honestly shouldnt mention that joke of an endgame in the video at all, making this the core reason PoE1 is delayed doesnt make it better.

I appreciate the honest communication, Jonathan.

No idea why people are overreacting this much - the situation is unfortunate, sure, but it is not the end of the world (or PoE 1 for that matter).
'You think you do, but you don't' J. Allen Brack

I must say that the way GGG handled the case of 3.26 and the development of Poe1 in general has completely destroyed my faith in any bright future for the franchise. Extremely dissapointed with the decisions announced by Jonathan. Not sure that after news like this I'll ever find the motivation to give Poe 2 another chance.

Press F for the great game :(
Последняя редакция: Borotnik#1559. Время: 30 янв. 2025 г., 3:17:03
Sad news to wake up to in the morning (UK) that's for sure. They've just lost my support for PoE2... "PoE2 won't affect PoE1" Thanks for misleading us to get our money GGG. Refund request been sent.
Before developing POE2, developing POE1 first and then developing POE2 is keeping your promise. That's what we want. POE2 is made with money from POE1 users. Don't forget what comes first. Don't forget your roots.

Последняя редакция: 금덩어리#2724. Время: 30 янв. 2025 г., 3:17:53

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