A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

I really understand ggg's position, I really do! but honestly? completely disappointed!
poe 2 may be on fire, but it's still a beta version, it's far from being a complete and fun game like poe 1.
They made this promise, extended the release date several times and now they announce that there is no date at all?
honestly even if 4.0 came out I would justify having 1 year in the league.
1 year ggg... very disappointed.
"poe 2 no affected to poe 1"
Yes its kill it instantly
Последняя редакция: SlavikOld#3976. Время: 30 янв. 2025 г., 4:35:22
well there goes a bunch of trust and goodwill earned over a decade
this all feels so unlike what we have been used to
just hire some more developers work on PoE2 - put PoE1 team back where they belong now
if PoE2 needs to be delayed, that should be done instead, not the other way around
PoE2 is early access, i could understand if this was full release and there was emergencies to fix, but the whole point in EA is for the game to be poor
you have an already amazing game just sitting idle doing nothing
please please rectify your mistakes and let the PoE1 dev team work on a new league now, PoE2 clearly needs way more time to cook but you should be doing lot of little changes in early access, not trying to replicate the PoE1 schedule of leagues and economy resets, not until full release
right now you are half-assing two things and it is showing massively
Damn of Exile.. ok we now have the name!

Edit: Your mistake is selling an unfinished game with a price tag. If you didn't do this probably many players would like to buy someting in your shop to support you. But.. nvm.
Последняя редакция: Artoba84#7071. Время: 30 янв. 2025 г., 4:37:33
Good news first:

You are communicating again and even angaged with some memery (Izaro thumbnail and quote).
This was missed the past few weeks.

Bad news (sadly longer):
From a financial standpoint you are missing out on players who are eager to try POE 1 with a fresh economy after playing 2.
Also, POE 1 should have as much priority as POE 2. 2 is an EA title, people expect it to be unpolished.
Putting a finished game on the backburner to work on an EA title is horrible and hurtful to your longtime players (personally have a guild and build-test acc.).

What´s to prevent pulling all ressources from 2 for 4 weeks, dish out a new league in 1, and have 3-4 months time to work on 2?

Instead you´ll now have 2 "unfinished" games: 1 dead league and standard (...) and a EA title with glaring issues for at least another 1-2 months.

The reason for the delay is what may be causing this ammoutn of outcry.

EDIT: I don´t even think this a GGG decision alone. Someone at tencent must be pulling strings to make them more $$$.
Последняя редакция: ArtemisiaImmortalis#4593. Время: 30 янв. 2025 г., 4:42:13
my supporter pack money went to a game i couldn't care less about and killed my favorite game, nice one xdd
Hell no. I fed up to a brim with this all.
I quit. Bye bye 7k hours POE on steam.
Time to move on. Maybe WoW again, or smth
A game I like is being abandoned because of a game I dont. If PoE 2 was named d5, it would be dead on arrival. Big sad.
That's sad news!

I respect the honesty and I don't feel like the trust is broken for me at all..

However, don't you think it would be better to just get 3.26 out of the way? Use some resources for maybe a month to ship the league and then get back to focusing on PoE 2, since that will be an ongoing development for longer..
New problems will arise for PoE 2, so it will just make it harder and harder to allocate resources away from that game..

Just my honest opinion...

Also, PoE 2 wouldn't have been made possible without the help and support from all of the PoE 1 players who has supported you and the game for this long, so it kinda feels bad prioritizing new players over your core player base that made it all possible..

I do think that you will end up succeding in both games though, I got trust and faith in GGG as I've always have had! :)
great planning ahead, chapeau bas

so you woke up on 30th of January 2025 and thought oh snap we won't be able deliver new league in 3 weeks?
how the fuck just now? you should have planned this before Christmas break because in country you are living in for who knows how many years when Christmas kicks in it's a vacation/holiday season to at least second week of January. That would left us approx. a month for a league development.
Delusional af, no planning at all, are you even using Jira with estimations or any other dev stuff?
I was with you during all these years, even went to Exilecon from Europe to be part of a journey but all you are doing is showing me destination: graveyard in a very near future.
Whoever is managing this is making so many mistakes they should just step down and let someone less delulu step in

If poe1 dev team could go and help poe2 you can just it other way around. It's a circus anyway at this point.
I miss good old "Hi, I'm Chris Wilson from Grinding Gear Games"

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