A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

happy to see your real face btw. and i hope whole playerbase sees same thing.

"poe1 wont be affected"
Seems to me GGG does have a HR shortage issue hence the delays...maybe you should have predict that making to games without the necessary human labour would cause such issues...why didn't you predict this situation ahead of time? Who knows...budget allocation issues? Barriers that were created that would prevent the company to hire further resources?
GGG just destroyed all the trust I had in them with one single video. I think I am done.
This announcement is finally confirmation of something we have all known for years: PoE will suffer for the sake of PoE2, but it still comes as a massive disappointment. Playing PoE2 was an amazing experience as a fan of PoE and the genre as a whole, but PoE remains far and away the best ARPG ever made.
Capitalism rears its ugly head once again. Best case, this is incompetence; worst case, it's deceit. Either way, you just traded a decade of goodwill for some short-term gains.

Do you seriously expect people to keep buying supporter packs when the illusion that they’re supporting Path of Exile 1 has been shattered? No one cares about MTX for its own sake—they’re not buying a fancy cloak or some dumb pet. They’re buying into the future of a game they love. They're casting a vote for what they want to see thrive. And now you’ve made it clear that their votes no longer count.

I gave PoE2 a fair shake (~400hours), played it a ton and mostly enjoyed it. But i had to work for my enjoyment, trying many classes, playing both trade and SSF - things I usually don't do. That degenerative pull chasing wealth and power was never there. Usually, I'd be extremely hyped for the next league. But the promise of 0.2.0 isn’t sparking anything. I simply don't believe you will be able to add enough depth to make it interesting in the near-term.

In time I have no doubt that PoE2 will become a great game, maybe even a generational one. But it is so far behind right now that it will take years to reach that point. Why cannibalize your own business in the meantime? Why burn the foundation that made PoE2 even possible?

This is a massive misstep, which I'm sure you know. But it's important that you understand that we know too. What you are doing is extremely transparent, and not in the good way that we're used to. You knew all this before launching PoE2, and chose to withhold it from your loyal community, so that it wouldn't affect sales.

Right now, GGG is heading down the well-trodden path of greedy game companies toward irrelevance, prioritizing short-term profits over healthy relations with its long cultivated community. What the hell happened? You used to be so good at this?
Every POE1 player is waiting for the next league, and you guys do this.. cmon... It's unfair that all the hard work and content put into poe1 to be ignored like this, even the player base that every 3-4 months awaits the new league like waiting for Christmas gifts! PLEASE RECONSIDER!
It would be better for them to admit from the start that PoE1 is done and PoE2 will get all their manpower. Just go all-in if you believe in it.

Or keep your initial promise and make it an engine upgrade for PoE1. Make the game that everybody love bigger and better.

Both choises would be fine. But you can not have two project under the same roof fighting for the same playerbase and expect them both to succeed. One has to go.

Maybe sell PoE1 to somebody who would actually care. Or make it free for modding, so community would carry it from now on.
We should have this instead of checkpoints: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3677132
Honestly, I'm more of a back sitter when it comes to news and I just sit In a corner quietly. However, this time I need to let me thoughts be known.
I don't enjoy Poe 2 in its current state and my machine doesn't handle it very well either. I think the problem here is that they thought everyone that plays Poe 1 would outright just love Poe 2 and never touch Poe 1.
This is such a blunder on GGGs side, we have been so invested in Poe 1 for a long time and we accepted poe 2 with open arms only because we where assured there would be no compromise for Poe 1.
The saddest part is not that the development for 3.26 hasn't been started yet, the saddest part is that in this video addressing the issue, they don't even attempt to offer a solution, they don't even attempt to know what the player base thinks or wants. They just outright state that there will be no updates for Poe 1 till further notice.
This is not the way with the kind of dedicated and crazy fanbase you guys have.
You want to develop Poe 2? Ok, do it.
But are you telling me that you can't just pivot the team for 1 or 2 days to do either an economy reset or a relaunch of a previous league? Something that would take virtually no time at all from development on Poe 2? It's sad really... Really fkn sad.
I understand this well, i know many people wishes PoE content now after so long. Yet PoE2 has been a tremendous acheievment and i get why that has taken priority.

Excited to see whats next! Keep up the good work :)
GGG forgot the hand that fed them and are ditching us for a new, more mainstream audience. Time to move on!

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