A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

Some sort of reset would be very appreciated. Not being able to wipe atlas progress is painful (I even made a private league just for myself recently to start fully fresh...).

I realize there's limited resources but would it be possible to do a poll to the community for the last X amount of leagues and the most upvoted one can be launched as an event?

If we had the option to fully wipe ALL progression in a league (for example SSF) this problem would be mitigated somewhat, at least for me personally.
in my personal opinion i think this isnt a bad thing. i know alot of people i got into the game wanted longer league times due to playing casually because well lets face it life comes first. so i feel this could be the start of that. maybe once it gets sorted and things die down we can have leagues that are 5 or 6 months long. that way we no longer have to rush to end game.
So the big liar lied again and GGG went full Blizzard? Oh well, too bad that Poe1 is going maintenance mode.
The reactions are baffling to me. Maybe because I'm a new player who only really started playing in Settlers.

I was actually happy about this news lol

It means I have plenty of time to complete my challenges in PoE1 while also being able to continue playing PoE2.

So as far as PoE1 goes I can do all of this in the span of a single league:
- finish campaign 1st time
- mapping 1st time
- all endgame bosses 1st time
- T17
- HCSSF lvl 90 + uber lab achievements
- rank top 4000 in runic gauntlet and reach red maps
- (TBD) 40/40 challenges

I also feel like whatever 3.26 will bring won't be as game changing as settlers which will probably not go core so basically you can just start a new HCSSF character on either of two current leagues right now and have access to the most content you'll see for who knows how long maybe ever. So why you so mad?
In the immortalized quote of Terenas Menethil to his son, Arthas Menethil ;

"At long last, no King rules forever my son."

Never let money or power seep into your heart, make them as means not the ends.
The project is too ambitious, too big, and too divisive. PoE 2 feels like a cheap clone of prettier graphic of PoE 1, importing all the annoyance and problems PoE 1 had without the solutions it had.


thanks for all those years during witch you gave me and develop my favourite game of all time. Sadly its killed like that :(

I have around 12k+ hours in PoE1, and i dont regret any of that.

For you to fix PoE2 will take years:

- 5years at development and you cook half classes without all ascendencies and 3 acts, its not even a half of campaign

- the endgame is in scrach, i played 2 characters and spent 200-300 hours in PoE2 and i dont want to spend more at this time coz its annoyin and boring

- the new atlas is OKish idea, but the Towers are crap (the 1st layout was best part of it, coz it was easy and fast and u decide to change that, now we have 5 longer layouts that we cannot add content to it, its so trash)

- tablets are fine, but being forced to run trash layouts maps to find spot in atlas with 5-6 towers nerby each other, then running trash layouts maps again to unlock every tower, then run trash towers to put tables onto it, to finnaly run 3-5 full juiced maps (not always coz corruption on atlas is pure RNG) with OKish layouts is a JOKE! 3h prep to have 40min fun...

- atlas tree is flat and boring (in PoE1 after 5 maps u can add perma essence or strongbox into your map, in PoE2 after 5 maps u are half way for the 1st 2 points for the atlas...)

- we love PoE1 for its deepth and cpmplexity, in PoE2 we have around 2 build per character, coz we lack of skill to play with (some are OP, some falling behind too much coz of poor math)

- we lack of support gems, if u want to 6L ur gem u have 3 options add some utility support that won't change that much, add some dmg support that comes with annoing downside or if u manage to find support game that fit to ur skill, your mana cost will sky rocket and build will feel unplayable

- passive skill three is flat and dissapointing aswell, its look huge but PoE1 tree gives more option, in PoE2 notables are basics, we have to invest in a lot of travel nodes, moste builds trees looks the same even on EA launch coz of lack of variety choises

- we need to see rare mobs on minimap at least from 3 screens off, or backtracking will kill rest of fun from maps

- new "lab" is worst than PoE1 one

- items have basic mods, crafting doesnt exist and its more like a gambling

- uniques are flat, there are 2 types totaly useless or few of them are OP

- u make PoE2 like u forget ur experience from PoE1, poor visual effects from enemies, oneshooting annoying on death effects, ES beeing much stronger than anything elese we were here in PoE1 before

There was once a company named Blizzard with their game Diablo 2, they decide to do a sequels like Diablo 4 and it was a succes! it was selling like crazy, but we all known how its ends. Dont make the same mistake GGG.

PoE2 will take u years to be polished and to compete with PoE1 - I dont even know if its possible at this point. And if for your new "baby" u want to kill your old one its your choice. You have well done game that ppl enjoy, loved for deept, complexity, possibilities and development cycles. PoE1 is what we love, PoE1 is what we loved you for, PoE1 is what gave u all those possibilities and slowly killing it just like that is sad and dissapointing.

Thank you again for all those years when you gave me excitemnt, fun, joy - those will be my favorite gaming memories forever.

Perfectly reasonable, and the only decision that makes sense. [Removed by Support] forum complaining about GGG being Blizzard have no clue tf they talking about.

PoE 2 will be the greatest ARPG of all time, just let it cook
Последняя редакция: Joel_GGG#1496. Время: 30 янв. 2025 г., 5:26:06

Psytralla#5508 написал:
Haha poe1 no lifers

Sayes the guy who never supported poe with a dime .. back to diablo u go lol
Thanks for the official announcement, I appreciate that.

tragic_nate#2420 написал:
This is really unfortunate. I feel like PoE2 has broken my love for PoE. Maybe it is time to move on.

This is exactly how I feel right now.
Honestly Settlers of Kalguur might have been the best league there has ever been, it feels like pinnacle PoE 1.
But since PoE 2 beta came out I had to drag myself into the game, I didn't last 2 weeks, I had spikes of fun, but that was it. But now I can't go back to PoE 1 either because WASD is by far the best thing that ever happened to my favorite ARPG franchise, and now I don't want to go back to click to move, at all.

I have played PoE since 2012, with the occasional league break, but it seems like 2025 will be the first year since then that I won't touch any of the games.
I guess for me it will be waiting until PoE2 releases or PoE1 has WASD introduced, and I'm 100% sure that won happen this year.

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