A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

As someone who has supported PoE1 for years, this is a slap in the face. Is this how you thank us for our support? Time to turn your back on GGG and find another game. I hope your vision is worth screwing the community like this.
I wish PoE2 was just a side project with another name.
Rothulean#6266 написал:
Lmao what a massive F' up this is. You guys were supposed to announce a date sometime this week or next.

You've known all this time you didn't even START on 3.26. And you wait til now to tell us this?

I'm sorry but that's a disaster.

Rofl i dont believe POE1 develoeprs worked on POE 2

there is so much QOL features missing betwen two games

-cant invite to hideout without inviting to party
-No move all currecny from Inventory to stash and reverse
-Party managment so bad and u cant see parties from your hideout
-alot features on trade site are missing
-collision with mosnters terrain and especialy with other players is so bad i remember when they rework whole cyclone patchinding in POE1 to dont block on every terrain anymore . This fells like lost vaal technology
-issue where u cant teleport from sekhemas to hideout it was existing in POE1 long time ago too for some isntances too.
-there is so many stuff like that (cant remmeber them all now but there is somany, im sure u can bring many more.

It is often fells Like they use some POE1 build from 2015 or something alike

When i played POE2 i understood why sequels for many games was so bad and dont fell good anymore
for example Diablo 2 and Diablo 3 . i acknowledged its becsaue on game work diffrent people and all these small thing we love are actually pushed in and implemented by those little individualist its seems so personal .( those thing where u fell ohhh yeah they actually played it and put work to fell work, while oposite is no way for sure they didint event test it and play its felling so awkward )
Company dont earn experience, dont learn. its about these Indivualist small
programers who test and make stuff works
(its too hard to believe same people work on POE1 and POE there is too big
disconection )
Crucible + Affliction last offer
thanks to GGG you cured me from my POE addiction...now I can do something else

Последняя редакция: ZoneTripp3r#6105. Время: 30 янв. 2025 г., 5:46:20
I wish there was a gamecompany as great as GGG was before this POE2 desaster. GGG could sell POE1 to them and make even more money and give POE1 in the loving hands it needs to stay the best game ever developed and being played forever.
I was betrayed in my life many times.
this one hurts the most.
Последняя редакция: lordpikon#3269. Время: 30 янв. 2025 г., 5:35:05
I am done, going to go play last epoch.
Rest in piece my favourite game
I'll miss you forever

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