A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

Focusing on a game that is literally in EA rather than a fully developed game, said game that even ALLOWED them to create POE 2 because of the player support.

It's an absolute slap to the face to everybody that supported them, POE 1 will always be developed with the scraps they have left after doing POE 2.

3.26 will release after POE 2 patch, then 3.27 will be delayed 1 year because of the next POE 2 patch, and so on...

Definitely not getting my money anymore just so you can take it and develop a game that I do not care for.
Last edited by Satan on Feb 10, 1692, 10:00:00 PM
FearZGamer#6190 написал:
Focusing on a game that is literally in EA rather than a fully developed game, said game that even ALLOWED them to create POE 2 because of the player support.

It's an absolute slap to the face to everybody that supported them, POE 1 will always be developed with the scraps they have left after doing POE 2.

3.26 will release after POE 2 patch, then 3.27 will be delayed 1 year because of the next POE 2 patch, and so on...

Definitely not getting my money anymore just so you can take it and develop a game that I do not care for.

Never played Call of Duty I see.
And they even made us pay for PoE 2 lol. Whad a bad day to be a poe fan
I had the fear this was going to happen, after hearing that they requested help from the poe1 team, but honestly thought that 3.26 would've been released before 0.2.0.
I have nothing to say, Jonhatan said it all, for me its not an end for sure, because honestly, poe its poe, theres no game like it; I'll simply not spend a dime in poe1/poe2 until the full release, hoping they'll be able to release poe1/poe2 leagues at a decent paste without impacting either game, we will see, and personally hoping for the best, sincerely good luck to poe1 and poe2 teams.

In the meanwhile try not to be too harsh with them, let them cook, and try some other games, theres plenty of it to keep you occupied, if you're the kind of person that needs gaming; Thats what ill do.

Until 0.2.0 or 3.26, stay safe out there exiles.
I Hope this a Joke. Make no mistake. Not everyone who has played POE 1 likes POE 2. The gameplay takes some getting used to and most players want to stick with POE 1. Don't make a mistake that could really be your downfall.
Thank you for this alarm for this information that we have been waiting for for a long time,

however the development of POE 2 should not impact that of POE1 (Cf : chris)
so why a process change impacting POE1 players
without compensation or visibility over time

for my part POE 2 is a failure, and I'm not ready to leave POE1

your way of doing things raises the suspicion that you are trying to force the hand of POE1 players to go to POE 2
rip ggg, it was a good run
Wasn't POE2 going to be an "Expansion" to POE1? Thats very ugly, it was suposed to stay alive at same time and this is like "we cant do what we say". While most of us are waiting for some pulished POE2, there will be a period of nothing for both.
Sad times. While I don't regret buying EA, I kind of regret getting a Settler's pack since it's just been funneled into a sequel that after ~15 hours does everything worse than PoE1. Hard to imagine no temp leagues or anything in the meantime.

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