A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

Yes Poe2 was / is in a bad state and needed to be developed further, yes. But this problem only arose because it was released too early and many people paid for early access.

Despite this, POE 2 is far from finished, has also a lot of draw backs which are way better in POE1 in my opinion - and it is shameful to cheat the loyal playerbase and community like this.

POE 1 needs the focus that was promised by GGG, if something like this happens again, this could be disastrous.
That´s more then dissapointing.

I legit spent 50€ for support the POE 1 Team and a new League in a POE 2 Supporter pack.

And now we have a unfinished, worse, slower, more punshing POE 1 copy in POE 2 which u cant enjoy after a long Day of work cause it doesnt forgive a mistake.

More Onshots, more ailments, 1 Portal, Dodge Role (really) etc.

If u had love 4 the POE 1 community u could have commitet in some Events now like ZiZ league but u legit abandon us.

Shame on u.

We should not buy any more support cause u don´t deserve it 4 beeing dishonest.

Sry 4 bad english!
I hope they are smart and see that no one in the community was happy with the idea and go back on it. at least for the moment, prioritize POE 1. we don't want new content in POE 2 before POE 1.. especially because I'm already sick of POE 2.. we need a little time to feel like playing again. (famous winter between leagues)
Apology Kiwi pet when
i cant understand how people can thank GGG for their honesty and transparency after that video??
They KNEW for MONTHS that they dont even have started on the 3.26 league and they just lied to us saying "After many days of internal discussion we have to delay the new poe1 league for poe2". Then absolut silence till the very end of january just to tell us that they STILL not started working on it.

They do everything and lie as long as they can sell supporter packs.
ha yes the game developping market don't have thousands of dev searching for a job rn so i understand you are understaffed and under a fake dillema.

30USD a cosmetic and you don't have the money or the management skills to engage game devs prior undergoing a HUGE project you decided to do on your own (the player community expect a big update on poe1 not poe2)

Well since you don't excuse yourself and gave a fake dillema as if it was unsurmontable it make these pretty obvious lies to hide the truth.
Imagining the intend is pretty easy. Pushing the biggest poe1 player base you can toward poe2 before closing it.

It's also logical since you shoot a bullet on your foot dividing your playerbase in two for two different game for twice the coverage (servers,salary for the staff, project making and the management).

But the player of a service game are under the illusion they "invest" money (spend) to back up the game, in exchange they get shinies to wear or use.
They trust you and you show them they shouldn't have.

A fraction will still be there, the others won't. And I, a returning player, know i shouldn't spend anything anymore on anything Tencent related and preach against backing GGG at anyone. Better backing indie dev than a filial of a chinese company anyway. People don't have the money for this kind of circus your are participating anyway.
POE2 is such a downgrade compare to poe1.
So bad. Boss are the only good thing.
You guys had diamond in your hands
Knusperwurst#4214 написал:
i cant understand how people can thank GGG for their honesty and transparency after that video??
They KNEW for MONTHS that they dont even have started on the 3.26 league and they just lied to us saying "After many days of internal discussion we have to delay the new poe1 league for poe2". Then absolut silence till the very end of january just to tell us that they STILL not started working on it.

They do everything and lie as long as they can sell supporter packs.

yep, they are not transparent at all, they waited until last second before making this video even, thats crazy
Support Staff no reply for 40+ days
Dupes havent been fixed for weeks
1 patch in 2 months
Havent EVEN STARTED developing poe 1 update
A lot of people still didnt get stash tabs that were bought during start

Thats insane how they didnt give a fuck about their players. All those streamers who post about GGG's honesty is a fucking bullshit who are payed or just scared to say smth. Pathofmath said what he thought and got banned by person in this game)

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