A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

Oof, a bit sad that the development of the new poe1 league hasn't even began.
How about doing an economy reset even if we have to play settlers again?
People might come back for the economy reset unlike the necro settlers event that just split the community in half.
People still love poe1 but people they won't play in a dead economy without goals.
Economy resets and a fresh start gives you goals.
At least give us something to do in poe1 until the next economy reset in poe2 so people can try out the fixed game/endgame without the current inflation and lack of crafting.
Последняя редакция: demon7310#6336. Время: 30 янв. 2025 г., 6:22:59
gg ggg
Making mistakes is okay – but one should also learn from them…

The sheer accumulation of bad decisions in these past months has left me speechless. POE2 is still atleast a year away from even coming close to the level of POE1 – and that's being really optimistic, with the hope that the many ideologically driven missteps will be reversed.

You have a finished, extensive, and long-term engaging game sitting in a drawer, yet you don’t even assign one or two developers to put together a Legacy League or something similar?

How can it be the best option to pour all resources into a game that won’t reach an acceptable level anytime soon, while a complete game is just lying around?

You are destroying your player base...
At the very least, an honest apology would be in order.

The timing of this information is also extremely odd… Surely, you must have known this for months?
koiwaimio#1173 написал:
"POE2 wont affect POE1" ♥♥♥♥ u ggg

Admitting to your mismanagement of the situation is the only positive thing in this, kudos for that.

When's the learning from these years oopsies coming into play?
Druid soon confirmed? POG 🙌
Very sad to hear this now, I am a long time Fan of PoE1 und unfortunately PoE2 just is not for me atm.
I always had really high faith in you guys, but this is such a big let down. The community which build this all is now left behind it feels like.
Would really which you are changing course.
I unterstand this cannot happen immediately but then give us at least now an Economy reset and some legacy leagues.
Would start now but I have the fear I play now for a week and then you announce something like this.

But thank you for the open communication as always.
Последняя редакция: BleXx#2252. Время: 30 янв. 2025 г., 6:38:01
You have known this for months. This is nothing short of overwatch2 all over again.

gg ggg
I was hoping that POE 2 would be better version of POE 1 but it's not even close to POE 1 level
I was hoping that POE 1 still will be in developing because of a developer promise "We have completely different team for POE 2"
I was hoping that something will be changed after POE 2 early access launch and developers will stop ignoring their own community

"Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made."

Rest in peace path of exile, it was fun to play for more than 8 years
Последняя редакция: ForsesGIT#6499. Время: 30 янв. 2025 г., 6:20:11
This is the best and most honest studio to ever exist. Thank you for all your hard work, and best of luck with the development! Remember to take breaks and vacations to avoid burnout.

I also have to mention how much I love the sensation of grass tickling my feet and toes — the way it brushes between my toes and the feeling of gripping and pulling at it as I walk.

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