A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed.

But it's good that you're admitting the mistake now, even if it's very late.
It's Over.
How can we ever trust these guys again?
WolfSolo#1218 написал:

Thanks to Empyriangaming for the reminder
I never post here but this is genuinely the most disappointed I've ever been with a GGG announcement in the entire time I've played the game
I played PoE2 for 500 hours and gave it a more than fair chance, it's fine for what it is but all of the design choices are a massive step down from PoE1 imo, I'm sure it will be a great game in a few years but for it to now be actively detrimental to the game I love and support is kind of a joke really

"How could we think of making a PoE1 expansion when we still have people having bad experiences in PoE2, how could I justify taking developers off PoE2"
Because these are people who opted in to a beta test, and everything that comes with that. If they aren't happy beta testing they should be waiting for full release. These were developers that should have been on PoE1 in the first place, it's not "taking them off" PoE2 it's allowing them to develop for the game they should have been allowed to work on all along. This should tell you everything you need to know about where the priorities really lie going forward. Are resources going to be taken away from PoE1 every time there's problems in PoE2? This is not the way to run two games concurrently

Not trying to go overboard with the hate like some of the posts here but it felt wrong to stay silent on this one, I think GGG need to hear how disappointed a lot of long term players are. Please treat PoE1 with the respect it deserves as the best game in the genre

This is disappointing, especially the amount of time it took to get this message out, and I don't accept this. The community gives you so many great ideas to keep us happy that you just ignore 90% of the time. Cheap easy way to keep everybody happy, run an old league back. Boom! You just bought 90 days of time to do whatever you need to do with POE2
Hope PoE2 flops so the good game gets some love again. <3 xoxo

I've enjoyed the most underdeveloped POE1 league than I ever came close to enjoy POE2 beta.

I hope you see things differently in the future GGG.

That and...

You want to move away from one button builds soo much but then you make support gems limited use items.

You make a statement about not following in diablos foot steps using cooldowns and you followed through so well Temporalis is your best item.

Of course you cant keep your word, you lack self identity.

From what I can tell the only people who think your second game is on fire is you. You gave us a product that you yourself are not happy with so I guess that cant be helped.

I have confidence in you though. While I look forward to playing your future successes I will not be alpha testing poe2 for you anymore.

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