A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

And this is where our ways parts, GGG.

I wish you all the best with POE 2 and can only say that I won't be returning, much less spend any more money going forward.

It's been a fun 7 years but time to move on to other more worthwhile games.

Complaining won't change anything.

However, I think that since 3.26 is not a week or two away, it would be nice to get some extra event. A long event lasting a month or two with nice prizes like alt art items or legacy items.

So where do I apply for a job to help?
would be nice if poe 2 was full separated from poe 1 even on web, well whatever, poe 2 campaign is better the rest - gem sistem links skills etc ...not so
apkmatt#3574 написал:
3.26 is going to be August 2025. Quote me if you want.

You are being very optimistic. POE2 is early alpha at best, should have never been released yet, and won't be ready for real beta testing until 2027.

POE2's current state is comparable to POE1's 2011 Closed Beta state. Back in 2011, it took GGG 2 years to get POE1 to release, and POE1 was far smaller game.

Getting POE2 ready, POE1 will be ignored far longer than you think, if not completely dropped.
Poe1 made u ggg. Its bigger than poe 2. Take Care kf your players... Sad news, low Hope
What a crock of shit, taking this long to come out and say that you screwed things over so badly and haven't had any progress on 1 for 3.26 at all yet.

Thanks for pretty much ensuring 1 is sentenced to a slow, gradual death while 2 is basically in a state of sheer and utter frustration and garbage gameplay.

my balls hurt after this GGG ..

no respect + lies = no good for fan trust

0 WORK ON 3.26 ?! WHAT ?!

92ranger#4205 написал:
This is complete PR garbage.

The real problem is that POE2 is struggling and the devs vision for the "ruthless" style gameplay SUCKS. People hate it. But if they release new POE1 content, then everyone will flock back to POE1 and kill what little momentum POE2 has left.

Basically the devs are too scared/stubborn to admit their vision for POE2 is a failure, but they can't bring themselves to admit it. So they won't release a new POE1 season until they come to terms with this reality.

Their excuses of needing to spend time on POE1 are complete garbage lies. They could have recycled old content and re-released Settlers of Kalgur in a freshly wiped season. That alone would have made people happier than the current situation. They won't do that because they want to shove POE2 garbage down our throats.

Lmao, the least delusional Poe1 fanboy, poe1 can't even cross 10k player threshold while poe2 is constantly above 100k...

most people that play poe2 are new people and they love the game, poe1 is an archaic garbage that no one new is gonna giva a chance and no one is coming back cos they know how bad this game is

it's amazing how poe1 fanboys like you cope
rip POE,

POE 2 sucks

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