A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

You are right. This certainly isn't the news I wanted to hear, though I can't exactly say that I truly feel betrayed either. Either way, what's done is done, there is no changing what or how it happened.

This may sound quite controversial, but by the muscular golden arse of Innocence, do NOT bring out 3.26 "as quickly as possible" as you said. Sure, a release in the near future would be nice, but I doubt anyone would want it to be unpolished. The launch is already delayed anyways, do not rush things or it'll only lead to even more backlash.

Here's a fun idea for the meantime, why not throw in another flashback league or event? With the amount of time we have at our hands now, an oldschool point-based race season could work nicely. If not that, then why not go completely crazy with some insane voided event? Crucible + Synthesis + Settlers for example, let the crafting go RAMPANT.

Regardless, I think you guys still deserve my trust. For now at least. But I would rather something like this never happens again, even if it DOES mean that a new project gets delayed.

Chris mentioned the timing of the leagues on his famous GDC talk. I just want you to understand that breaking said timing is about as significant as shattering one of the five pillars of PoE. Honestly, it might even be considered the sixth.
I make dumb builds, therefore I am.
Hard situation, but can you at least make moving back to Standard from League an option?
wouldn't donate for quite some time because of this shit show.
maybe ever. depends on what happens in the future.

personally i don't hate poe 2 or the idea. but i prefer poe 1 leagues over an early access. i supported all these years because of poe. never played so many hours in a single game in my life. i've watched it grow i felt it and it was amazing. but what you guys are doing now is abusing our support and trust u gained over the years to make poe 2 and destroying our faith in poe. lied so many times it's crazy.

i have no idea how you people are going to make up for fucking up so badly tbh.
guess time will tell.
"Now all that's left is for you getting on your knees."
if you know thank me:) i'm dying to find out x'D
A good time to bring back races. Just saying.
Now prefer POE2 so no problem the time has come for the new Games ! thx GGG
Jotasinjota#3062 написал:
Wasn't POE2 going to be an "Expansion" to POE1? Thats very ugly, it was suposed to stay alive at same time and this is like "we cant do what we say". While most of us are waiting for some pulished POE2, there will be a period of nothing for both.

That's how it was originally presented. New engine. New Campaign. New classes. Improve the skill gem system to detach sockets/links from gear. Funnel both POE1 and POE2 campaigns to the same end-game systems.

But nope. Threw everything out. Started over. Lost all the fully fleshed-out working systems and quality of life that didn't need to be thrown out. And here we are with broken, incomplete systems, unnecessary time wasters, and a dumpster fire of an end-game.
nothing expresses your urgency to put out the fire like taking three weeks off right after striking the match.

but thanks for the prompt communication... it shows you really care.
Shame. Really, it was A shame. As a company, you'd never take this kind of risk without any backup.

I will keep loving the game, but you guys, need to grow up and learn how to achieve the client, of course us, expectations.

This is what matters.

My best.

i don't like poe2. poe2 due to the fact that the game is shared on external platforms and there is no way to download it from the official site, I will not play it. considering the recent DDoS attacks and hacking the admin account on steam by which there was a reset of passwords on 66 user accounts, however, I will remain with PoE 1.
Liberate tute me ex infernis
So you guys are trying to run 2 games out of a game studio only setup to run one and are running into problems of that? I mean in 2025, who could of possibly saw that coming?

How about since you can't provide proper support for either game right now in both community support and development, you stop charging for POE2 since it's an early beta, which most self-respecting companies don't charge for?

Pretty sure greed is the answer to every questions of how this got this way. Wanting to make more money with less resources.

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