A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

Love that you're transparent but can we please keep the game you have alive and delay the game thats not even done yet?

PoE 2 is great and a solid foundation for whats to come.. We have tried it and can't wait for whats to come but please give us something to do until then and not neglect the actual game you have..

Right now you don't have a game
No active PoE1 league + Early access PoE2 = nothing
Soulscar1#4896 написал:
POE 2 has been in beta for 2 months (over Christmas & new year) and SHOCK HORROR!!!! It has issues.

I have read lots of posts on this thread and POE 1 and blizzard fans are making compelling arguments including but not limited to,

1) Waaaah!!!

2) Whaaaah!!!

3) Whaaaarh!!!

4) Blizzard be betterer and have better servers with a 10000 employees and 400 x the budget waaaah!

5) POE 1 isn't a priority because of POE 2 whaaaah!

6) I don't like standard.....Waaaah!

While I understand these compelling and detailed arguments regarding the development of a new IP with limited staff and resources I looked everywhere and simply couldn't find a fk. I looked everywhere, even under my bed and in the cat litter tray, nope couldn't find it.

I give GGG a hard time on the forums but man this "broken promise", one which was impossible to predict in any context was simply a "we will try our best" statement. Was it a lie? You cannot preempt these promises so no. It was a statement of intent not a guarantee of deliverance.

D4 was stone dead 2 months after release, d3 with better graphics and less content isn't innovative, it is derivative. A $30 "cash grab"? You spend more on 2 big mac meals or a pack of cigerettes. Cash grab? are you serious? Ooof my sarcasm circuit breaker just flipped I am going have to reset it.

preach bro
You knew this waaaaaaaaaaay earlyer. And now you announce it? Literaly at the end of january? When you could have told this in early december? I wonder why...

At this point you just became typical "corpo" like the rest. Thank god, i havent bought a "wall" of supporter packs. Just only the necessary ones for stash tabs few years ago.

Im genuinely sorry for the Poe 1 players who bought a "wall" of supporters packs and trusted your false promises.

"Poe 2 development wont affect Poe 1. They will have seperate teams."
"Poe 2 will fix melee"
"Poe2 will have a shared endgame"
Etc etc.

Yet you still try to promise? Sure bro.

And i wonder if that 4chan leak is real? Because it goddamn feels like it is. Just like the admin panel picture leak was.
Gorinnosho#0638 написал:
uninstalling everything. putting it all behind me. path of exile and GGG are both in the past now. i stopped giving them money years ago because it was very clear what they were doing. now they've just admitted it in the most PR fashion. they didn't give a crap

Chris leaving was the sign I think but I couldn't believe they'd turn that bad and kept supporting them. This is over for now.
Soulscar1#4896 написал:
POE 2 has been in beta for 2 months (over Christmas & new year) and SHOCK HORROR!!!! It has issues.

I have read lots of posts on this thread and POE 1 and blizzard fans are making compelling arguments including but not limited to,

1) Waaaah!!!

2) Whaaaah!!!

3) Whaaaarh!!!

4) Blizzard be betterer and have better servers with a 10000 employees and 400 x the budget waaaah!

5) POE 1 isn't a priority because of POE 2 whaaaah!

6) I don't like standard.....Waaaah!

While I understand these compelling and detailed arguments regarding the development of a new IP with limited staff and resources I looked everywhere and simply couldn't find a fk. I looked everywhere, even under my bed and in the cat litter tray, nope couldn't find it.

I give GGG a hard time on the forums but man this "broken promise", one which was impossible to predict in any context was simply a "we will try our best" statement. Was it a lie? You cannot preempt these promises so no. It was a statement of intent not a guarantee of deliverance.

D4 was stone dead 2 months after release, d3 with better graphics and less content isn't innovative, it is derivative. A $30 "cash grab"? You spend more on 2 big mac meals or a pack of cigerettes. Cash grab? are you serious? Ooof my sarcasm circuit breaker just flipped I am going have to reset it.

You missed argument 7) REEEEEEEEEEEEEE and 8) It's a scam I want a refund!
Vladimori#5755 написал:
IrishRoyal#4223 написал:

+1 respect

+1 , doin the same !

Thankfully the early access key i had was a gift and i didnt spend a dime !
IRMajestic#4038 написал:
Capitalism rears its ugly head once again. Best case, this is incompetence; worst case, it's deceit. Either way, you just traded a decade of goodwill for some short-term gains.

Do you seriously expect people to keep buying supporter packs when the illusion that they’re supporting Path of Exile 1 has been shattered? No one cares about MTX for its own sake—they’re not buying a fancy cloak or some dumb pet. They’re buying into the future of a game they love. They're casting a vote for what they want to see thrive. And now you’ve made it clear that their votes no longer count.

I gave PoE2 a fair shake (~400hours), played it a ton and mostly enjoyed it. But i had to work for my enjoyment, trying many classes, playing both trade and SSF - things I usually don't do. That degenerative pull chasing wealth and power was never there. Usually, I'd be extremely hyped for the next league. But the promise of 0.2.0 isn’t sparking anything. I simply don't believe you will be able to add enough depth to make it interesting in the near-term.

In time I have no doubt that PoE2 will become a great game, maybe even a generational one. But it is so far behind right now that it will take years to reach that point. Why cannibalize your own business in the meantime? Why burn the foundation that made PoE2 even possible?

This is a massive misstep, which I'm sure you know. But it's important that you understand that we know too. What you are doing is extremely transparent, and not in the good way that we're used to. You knew all this before launching PoE2, and chose to withhold it from your loyal community, so that it wouldn't affect sales.

Right now, GGG is heading down the well-trodden path of greedy game companies toward irrelevance, prioritizing short-term profits over healthy relations with its long cultivated community. What the hell happened? You used to be so good at this?

So true! Thanks for articulating what I am thinking and feeling! I am so disappointed in GGG. Don't even feel like playing PoE2 anymore.
Truly, the worst of both worlds.
(2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0
Stupid, stupid, stupid. You're alienating your fanbase over new players. The smart thing to do was develop the new league first then work on PoE 2 or to hire more workers for each team.
bro just re release a good/fun league?

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