Sad, but not to be so bad as many people say here.
Guys, give them time for work. They in fire, better if you will support them. POE 1 is awesome game, but POE 2 now always open in my PC, i love it :)
Сообщениеn373rg173up#200030 янв. 2025 г., 23:25:09
player agency, where?
"do you guys not have phones?" - blizz 2018
"do you guys not have 2 monitors, 3 overlays, 4 discord, 5 websites, 6 loot filters?" - ggg or smth 2024
"deal with it" - ggg, 2024
СообщениеiParadoxG#444530 янв. 2025 г., 23:26:30
this company is never getting a cent from me ever again
Сообщениеscardera#783230 янв. 2025 г., 23:29:22
Being honest with oneself and your players goes a long way. People will be upset no matter what you do. "Didn't get us content sooner," "content delayed," "tThis wasnt what i was expecting" etc. Just means they love your game and want more. "GIVE CONTENT FOR ME TO EAT." At least your development isn't like Bethesda or Blizzard. Delayed GOOD content always feels better once it's out.
Would people like slop or a 5-star dinner? Maybe a space game where you pledged ships doesn't work along with quests that don't work. A load screen to another load screen with another load screen with 1000 planets. How about a hardcore FPS game that doesn't address problems and makes things worse, filled with hackers? that wipes clean 2-3 times a year. Hackers come back. Another game like this but rushed and sloppy from another "AAA" game studio.
Forum warriors aren't the voices of most. Try asking a poll in-game within POE. See what they are content with. Rushed slop or waiting. Maybe even inside of POE2 to see if they are content with waiting. Just make sure to not count people who will spam POE with bots as it's free to play. ;)
BG3 did it right in delaying many times. Great game. When the POE league does come out. I'm sure it will be better than the last ones. I'm by no means a hardcore Poe fan or a Poe 2 fan. Just a normal Joe. Feels bad for both player bases.
Slow and steady wins the race. Shoulda, coulda, woulda is easier to point out after. You do you the best you can. *insert thumbs up emoji*
What kind of honesty are you writing about? this video showed that they are deceiving and misleading their audience for the sake of the best numbers of the annual report, there is no smell of transparency here. Most people are infuriated not by the fact that the 3.26 league was delayed, but by the fact that the company kept silent about the fact that it didn’t even plan to start making it before 0.2.0, so as not to spoil PoE2 sales. the problem is much deeper than delaying the league for a couple of months, this behavior is a very alarming call on the part of GGG and their attitude towards the players, what kind of trust can we now talk about.
СообщениеxxxWeed#716930 янв. 2025 г., 23:41:20
Very disappointing that GGG is still failing to properly communicate at all levels still.
Сообщениеbrandon2071#585230 янв. 2025 г., 23:45:30
personally, i played poe 2 for 2 hours and stopped poe 1 since poe 2 came out.
Same here , ive never played so little Path Of Exile for the past .. um.. 6 years or so?
I am truly disappointed that we went from super fun every 3 months to this disastrous state of the beloved game!
СообщениеcjbLazin#635130 янв. 2025 г., 23:53:10
so the argument is "i've spent $500 over 10 years and that means I expect the game to be supported forever."?
Johnathon is too nice, he presumably didn't want to disappoint any of you and made the mistake of making promises that couldnt be filled. Its not reasonable in ANY way to expect these devs to be able to develop two games at once, and by apologizing to you all now its just given a bunch of you the impression your own expectations weren't as unreasonable as the initial promise to keep POE running as usual. I guess thats business.
Despite the drama I'm enjoying POE2 and I look forward to the many months of development ahead and what they will bring, I hope veterans of POE will be there too with their years of valuable knowledge and experience that could help improve the game for everyone
Its not about them having to take time to get stuff out. Its about blatantly lying to the players of their FULLY WORKING PRODUCT THAT PAID FOR POE2. They lied to our faces multiple times and chose a beta over a finished game that has critical acclaim in the arpg market. Poe2 is literally a .1 version. They have no date for the supposed .2 and after they make that update they will START to work on 3.26. It could very well be next year before the game that was told wouldnt be impacted will see another league when normally we get 3 in the same period.
СообщениеDemonsuke#446530 янв. 2025 г., 23:54:42
I just watched the video again and it’s as infuriating the second time as it was the first. “We shouldn’t divert r resources from PoE 1, we didn’t realize it then, but we know it now.” “We’re continuing to divert those resources.”
What is the point of having a beta release if you’re just going to treat it like a full release? The point of a beta is to test it and you expect it to be broken. The people playing it know that. But you’re treating it like it’s a full release and prioritizing it over the game that’s making the real money.
Sure, you had 300,000 players on PoE 2, and you made 30 bucks on each of them, and I get you want to make more on that audience. But look at these posts. I’ve got $360 in supporter packs alone, and I’m one of the least badged posters here.
We’ve been here for 10 years. Consistently paying the bills. Look at your PoE2 numbers now:
How many of those people are you getting back? How many of those players were just passing through? But you’re prioritizing them instead of focusing on known good investments. And what’s going to happen is those new players will stay gone, moved on to the next new game, and you’ll also have lost us. Because this has been a relationship build on trust over time and frankly that’s been steadily eroding over time with the design decisions that led to making PoE 2 a separate game originally.
You didn’t just drop the ball moving those resources from Poe 1 to 2, you continue to fumble the ball now by not being able to see that focusing on PoE 1 wasn’t just the right thing to do, but still is, and you’re still not. You didn’t learn anything.
I don’t mean to be disrespectful here, but I’m upset that I’ve lost something that has been a big part of my life for ten years and I hope you are still able to see the magic of what you created.
I Couldn't have said it better myself.
Well put.
Последняя редакция: FuryGhost#3013. Время: 30 янв. 2025 г., 23:56:31
СообщениеFuryGhost#301330 янв. 2025 г., 23:55:46
Well, this has been a disaster that everyone should have seen coming. Guess by the time poe2 gets fixed in a year or 2, most of the original player base will have moved on.
Сообщениеkazzir#740031 янв. 2025 г., 0:00:02
why kill poe 1:(((((((((((((((
Сообщениесерость#476131 янв. 2025 г., 0:01:20