I just watched the video again and it’s as infuriating the second time as it was the first. “We shouldn’t divert r resources from PoE 1, we didn’t realize it then, but we know it now.” “We’re continuing to divert those resources.”
What is the point of having a beta release if you’re just going to treat it like a full release? The point of a beta is to test it and you expect it to be broken. The people playing it know that. But you’re treating it like it’s a full release and prioritizing it over the game that’s making the real money.
Sure, you had 300,000 players on PoE 2, and you made 30 bucks on each of them, and I get you want to make more on that audience. But look at these posts. I’ve got $360 in supporter packs alone, and I’m one of the least badged posters here.
We’ve been here for 10 years. Consistently paying the bills. Look at your PoE2 numbers now: https://steamcharts.com/app/2694490#1y
How many of those people are you getting back? How many of those players were just passing through? But you’re prioritizing them instead of focusing on known good investments. And what’s going to happen is those new players will stay gone, moved on to the next new game, and you’ll also have lost us. Because this has been a relationship build on trust over time and frankly that’s been steadily eroding over time with the design decisions that led to making PoE 2 a separate game originally.
You didn’t just drop the ball moving those resources from Poe 1 to 2, you continue to fumble the ball now by not being able to see that focusing on PoE 1 wasn’t just the right thing to do, but still is, and you’re still not. You didn’t learn anything.
I don’t mean to be disrespectful here, but I’m upset that I’ve lost something that has been a big part of my life for ten years and I hope you are still able to see the magic of what you created.
I Couldn't have said it better myself.
Well put.
Yes, this is what GGG should have been thinking about before setting everything on fire.
СообщениеOxygene_PoE#646330 янв. 2025 г., 23:02:15
Answers weren't given, excuses were made.
I wouldn't expect otherwise from the person who gave us almost the same gauntlet mechanic every league. He cannot tell the horizon from the sea and has been circling that buoy for a while. They clearly need a Captain, maybe Chris should step in, it's his ship after all...
By the way, that guy did not move ressources away from POE 1 to help with 2, whoever's running the show at GGG did, and it's not Chris because he wouldn't have let him fall on the sword for no reason.
Последняя редакция: ChimpMagnet#7409. Время: 30 янв. 2025 г., 23:19:26
СообщениеChimpMagnet#740930 янв. 2025 г., 23:18:24
I just watched the video again and it’s as infuriating the second time as it was the first. “We shouldn’t divert r resources from PoE 1, we didn’t realize it then, but we know it now.” “We’re continuing to divert those resources.”
What is the point of having a beta release if you’re just going to treat it like a full release? The point of a beta is to test it and you expect it to be broken. The people playing it know that. But you’re treating it like it’s a full release and prioritizing it over the game that’s making the real money.
Sure, you had 300,000 players on PoE 2, and you made 30 bucks on each of them, and I get you want to make more on that audience. But look at these posts. I’ve got $360 in supporter packs alone, and I’m one of the least badged posters here.
We’ve been here for 10 years. Consistently paying the bills. Look at your PoE2 numbers now: https://steamcharts.com/app/2694490#1y
How many of those people are you getting back? How many of those players were just passing through? But you’re prioritizing them instead of focusing on known good investments. And what’s going to happen is those new players will stay gone, moved on to the next new game, and you’ll also have lost us. Because this has been a relationship build on trust over time and frankly that’s been steadily eroding over time with the design decisions that led to making PoE 2 a separate game originally.
You didn’t just drop the ball moving those resources from Poe 1 to 2, you continue to fumble the ball now by not being able to see that focusing on PoE 1 wasn’t just the right thing to do, but still is, and you’re still not. You didn’t learn anything.
I don’t mean to be disrespectful here, but I’m upset that I’ve lost something that has been a big part of my life for ten years and I hope you are still able to see the magic of what you created.
best words to describe
СообщениеMerowingin#118630 янв. 2025 г., 23:19:13
HardwiredNerd#1294 wrote:
I just watched the video again and it’s as infuriating the second time as it was the first. “We shouldn’t divert r resources from PoE 1, we didn’t realize it then, but we know it now.” “We’re continuing to divert those resources.”
What is the point of having a beta release if you’re just going to treat it like a full release? The point of a beta is to test it and you expect it to be broken. The people playing it know that. But you’re treating it like it’s a full release and prioritizing it over the game that’s making the real money.
Sure, you had 300,000 players on PoE 2, and you made 30 bucks on each of them, and I get you want to make more on that audience. But look at these posts. I’ve got $360 in supporter packs alone, and I’m one of the least badged posters here.
We’ve been here for 10 years. Consistently paying the bills. Look at your PoE2 numbers now: https://steamcharts.com/app/2694490#1y
How many of those people are you getting back? How many of those players were just passing through? But you’re prioritizing them instead of focusing on known good investments. And what’s going to happen is those new players will stay gone, moved on to the next new game, and you’ll also have lost us. Because this has been a relationship build on trust over time and frankly that’s been steadily eroding over time with the design decisions that led to making PoE 2 a separate game originally.
You didn’t just drop the ball moving those resources from Poe 1 to 2, you continue to fumble the ball now by not being able to see that focusing on PoE 1 wasn’t just the right thing to do, but still is, and you’re still not. You didn’t learn anything.
I don’t mean to be disrespectful here, but I’m upset that I’ve lost something that has been a big part of my life for ten years and I hope you are still able to see the magic of what you created.
True words
СообщениеTrustNo0n3#124230 янв. 2025 г., 23:22:40
Imagine thinking any of these 235 pages are being read by the people in charge at GGG. KEK
These guys have had a 'Technical Support' section without there being any technical support for ages. The only ones reading user posts are forum janitors. (inb4 my post gets removed lul)
"We hear you"... lol
Who would have thought a company bought out by Tencent could turn to shit.
Buy more supporter packs! Tencent numba one! Praise Tencent!
СообщениеSloppyJoker#349030 янв. 2025 г., 23:24:45
I have seen others say this but so am I. Poe2 is EARLY ACCESS. NOT FULL LAUNCH! You have a completed game called Poe1 that the vast majority of people play, and when this was all originally announced you assured everyone that Poe1 wouldn't be put on the back-burner. Yet here we are, going to be waiting almost a full year for a new league. This is damning to see, as your actions, even after acknowledging your screw up, continue in the same direction. What does this really mean? Poe1 is eventually going to be something the devs don't even work on. MAYBE 1 league per year. Honestly, this was the worst way they could have handled this. Poe2 is playable, it is early access so if there are still bugs it is ok... completely putting your finished game that everyone loves to the back burner is not the answer. This is how AAA companies treat their issues, and I never thought you would become them, as you have always "assured" us that you wouldn't. From your sellout to Tencent, to Poe2, and moving forward.
Сообщениеglopus0614#511030 янв. 2025 г., 23:25:52
POE1 is a dead game. It would be incredibly stupid for them to waste resources on it when they have a vastly superior sequel up and running that already has way more players.
Сообщениеgmillar#405430 янв. 2025 г., 23:31:49
I regret i purchased beta key now. Its our fault to give money for the poe2. Should've ignored it. We lost the p1. sad.
Сообщениеolivera1302#316230 янв. 2025 г., 23:34:11
I just watched the video again and it’s as infuriating the second time as it was the first. “We shouldn’t divert r resources from PoE 1, we didn’t realize it then, but we know it now.” “We’re continuing to divert those resources.”
What is the point of having a beta release if you’re just going to treat it like a full release? The point of a beta is to test it and you expect it to be broken. The people playing it know that. But you’re treating it like it’s a full release and prioritizing it over the game that’s making the real money.
Sure, you had 300,000 players on PoE 2, and you made 30 bucks on each of them, and I get you want to make more on that audience. But look at these posts. I’ve got $360 in supporter packs alone, and I’m one of the least badged posters here.
We’ve been here for 10 years. Consistently paying the bills. Look at your PoE2 numbers now: https://steamcharts.com/app/2694490#1y
How many of those people are you getting back? How many of those players were just passing through? But you’re prioritizing them instead of focusing on known good investments. And what’s going to happen is those new players will stay gone, moved on to the next new game, and you’ll also have lost us. Because this has been a relationship build on trust over time and frankly that’s been steadily eroding over time with the design decisions that led to making PoE 2 a separate game originally.
You didn’t just drop the ball moving those resources from Poe 1 to 2, you continue to fumble the ball now by not being able to see that focusing on PoE 1 wasn’t just the right thing to do, but still is, and you’re still not. You didn’t learn anything.
I don’t mean to be disrespectful here, but I’m upset that I’ve lost something that has been a big part of my life for ten years and I hope you are still able to see the magic of what you created.
Spot on. This went from my favorite dev team to a developer I will avoid in the future.
PoE 1 is the best. PoE 2 is something.
I regret i purchased beta key now.
I just wish they would've delivered what they promised us from 2019 thru 2023, all while happily taking my money: "1 game | 2 campaigns"
- I want WASD in PoE 1
- I want the new classes in PoE 1
- I want the new campaign in PoE 1
- I want what you promised in 2019
- I want what you sold me for four years on, before you just turned it into a swindle.
Последняя редакция: Zacheous#3845. Время: 30 янв. 2025 г., 23:41:31
СообщениеZacheous#384530 янв. 2025 г., 23:40:27