A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

Do we have any refund rights?

They clearly didn't deliver what they promissed on multiple fronts. They knew what the state was and deliberately hid it. Had I known that work on PoE1 and 3.26 has completely stopped I wouldn't have supported the EA of PoE2.

I could understand allocating more resources for 0.1.0 since EA was announced and had to hit the date.

I don't understand allocating all your resources for 0.2.0 which can come whenever. PoE2 is still years away from being a full game.
andreasdh#6271 написал:
I am not sure I understand the decision being made here. What stops GGG from hiring enough staff to actually deliver on the promises? Did POE 2 not give enough money, did Tencent not give enough money? is Path of Exile not a profitable business? Project based work is a thing!
I do not play poe2, I got my keys, that is not the issue. The issue is that I do not find that game enjoyable. So I am being actively punished because GGG wanted to make something that had nothing to do with the game that I loved?

If GGG chooses to go out and develope a mobile game for toddlers, and then release an unfinished product, and then yell that they need to use all the people from poe 1 and 2, because it is a dumpster fire, is that something that we should expect? is that something that is in line with the business philosophy of GGG? whenever that something goes bad in poe 2 that we should be fine with not having a poe 1 game?

Make it make sense. The solution is freaking EASY! HIRE ENOUGH PEOPLE. It is really that easy. unable to do so? then you should not have released a burning garbage can and called it a game. Early access must be expected to have major issues, major things missing, major balance problems, it is EARLY ACCESS, it is not a FINISHED product. Make it make sense.

Just give us some fun while we are FORCED to wait.

Here is my idea. Give us all leagues since sentinel including sentinel. So, Sentinel, Kalandra, crucible, affliction, ancestors, and necropolis. Give us access to the legacy items. Charms from affliction. Give everybody 2-3 charm slots. Give us necropolis crafting. take Settler recombination, and give us the old special mods. Give us the legacy tattoos in TOTA. And for the people who need a challenge upon all of this power. Make an NPC that allows all areas to have wisps. use the UI from Tujen hagling, and allow for increments of 500 wisps of each collour. But a limit of minimum 1000 difference between each colour, so you cant do 10.000 purple without 9000 yellow, and 9000 blue wisps. Maybe cap it to a maximum of 20.000 wisp.

This will be the most broken, rewarding, fun, and build diverse league in Path of Exile history.

All of this tech exists, it is just about making sure that each part work again, and done. It should take 2-3 weeks with a couple of developers to launch this project. PLEASE CONSIDER THIS.

Appreciate the effort that went into writing this post but they want POE1 to be gone or at least obscured enough to not compete with POE2 MTX sales. And for POE2 MTX sales they need to present a front to POE2 players that all hands and attention are on POE2. Why they want POE1 to not be in the way? To prove to Tencent that its investment was good and they weren't wasting a bunch of time and resources to make a hyped up nothingburger. Unfortunately my normie friends prefer the watered down experience that is POE2 so clearly their strategy is working for them meaning we can't expect anything to change.
POE2 should be the ruthless vision experience and POE1 should be the zoom power fantasy sandbox to capture both audiences.
I petition to return all the fun stuff that was removed or nerfed over the years back into POE1.
just drop that broken mess of code and return good old poe. didnt u notice playerbase reaction to poe2 paradigm after release?
Последняя редакция: cringewilson#2761. Время: 31 янв. 2025 г., 5:52:19
Sweet gentle mother of Sin.
The amount of absolute whinging done by people who probably have to guess what colour the sky is, is beyond fucking insane!

"I want a refund." "They lied." "I'm so sad i have to leave the house now and... heaven forbid... talk to people."

Bloody grow up!

Massive project, with massive scopes and having communication from lead Directors/Founders being honest and upfront and half you keyboard warriors can't even have the mental capacity to swallow your pride, tip your hat and acknowledge that it is what it is.

So many back seat drivers that have no fucking clue what goes into development anyway. Relax... The games will be done when they're ready.

Go play Stardew Valley and calm your farm.
shmerek#6688 написал:
Sweet gentle mother of Sin.
The amount of absolute whinging done by people who probably have to guess what colour the sky is, is beyond fucking insane!

"I want a refund." "They lied." "I'm so sad i have to leave the house now and... heaven forbid... talk to people."

Bloody grow up!

Massive project, with massive scopes and having communication from lead Directors/Founders being honest and upfront and half you keyboard warriors can't even have the mental capacity to swallow your pride, tip your hat and acknowledge that it is what it is.

So many back seat drivers that have no fucking clue what goes into development anyway. Relax... The games will be done when they're ready.

Go play Stardew Valley and calm your farm.

It's so funny reading the doomer comments calling this a scam, I guess they have never heard about Chronicles of Elyria or Identity
When Poe2 opens alpha test, I can be sure that Poe1 will be deleted by GGG. Poe1 fans won't want to believe it but it is true.
But I did not expect this to come so fast while Poe2 still has so many bugs, lack of endgame contents. Poe2 will take another 2 years to complete with this slow progress. And GGG said that we have to wait until Poe2 is no more bugs before there will be content for Poe1???? What we need is a clear timeline, whether it's 1 or 2 more years, not empty promises.
ahahah npcs get what they deserve. Is my favourite part of the day.
Thx for the keks GGG.

Ngl 30usd spent on poe2 were not so tragic decision, Im having fun with it. Poe1 is like whatever for me, there is nothing new there, and adding 30gb of content there is obviously beyond realistic.
What makes my day even better and makes me laugh even harder all of npcs who paid 60+ usd for Early Access game. It's truly mind boggling how one can spend 60 dollah or more just to be beta tester. Back in the day it was beta testers getting paid.
Does anyone have the link to when it was said: poe2 will not affect poe1.
I'm really not happy about this. The split between the games was already a big downside for PoE1 enjoyers, since now we will possibly never get the better gem system or the new classes.

I was able to accept that, after all the game is in a great state even without those additions.

But delaying a PoE1 league is just horrible. I trusted you guys.

Please don't drop the game. All my support is for PoE1 not PoE2.

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