Sweet gentle mother of Sin.
The amount of absolute whinging done by people who probably have to guess what colour the sky is, is beyond fucking insane!
"I want a refund." "They lied." "I'm so sad i have to leave the house now and... heaven forbid... talk to people."
Bloody grow up!
Massive project, with massive scopes and having communication from lead Directors/Founders being honest and upfront and half you keyboard warriors can't even have the mental capacity to swallow your pride, tip your hat and acknowledge that it is what it is.
So many back seat drivers that have no fucking clue what goes into development anyway. Relax... The games will be done when they're ready.
Go play Stardew Valley and calm your farm.
didnt they lie, u [Removed by Support] fan? they lied directly about poe support, in part where "poe will be unaffected by poe2 release". guy in the video approved they did. fck up is not a problem as is, but problem is they decided to move dev resources from poe to poe2 what was promised not to happen.
Последняя редакция: cringewilson#2761. Время: 31 янв. 2025 г., 6:08:47
Why is everyone crying? cant ppl just wait a little while for them to fix a problem? sometimes problems can pop up and you have to deal with them which could take time. I dont usually involve myself in forum threads those online but damn i had to this time. People are acting like its the end of the world.
СообщениеReleze#146931 янв. 2025 г., 6:09:45
Why is everyone crying? cant ppl just wait a little while for them to fix a problem? sometimes problems can pop up and you have to deal with them which could take time. I dont usually involve myself in forum threads those online but damn i had to this time. People are acting like its the end of the world.
The problem is that it’s not “a little while”. It’s already been 7 months and it’s going to be another 3, at least. For something that is usually on a 3 month cycle, so it’s not “a little while”.
And it’s also more than that, it’s the fact that they promised something (poe1 won’t be affected), while the outcome being 180° different.
Последняя редакция: mcswayer#7121. Время: 31 янв. 2025 г., 6:13:15
Сообщениеmcswayer#712131 янв. 2025 г., 6:12:36
Sweet gentle mother of Sin.
The amount of absolute whinging done by people who probably have to guess what colour the sky is, is beyond fucking insane!
"I want a refund." "They lied." "I'm so sad i have to leave the house now and... heaven forbid... talk to people."
Bloody grow up!
Massive project, with massive scopes and having communication from lead Directors/Founders being honest and upfront and half you keyboard warriors can't even have the mental capacity to swallow your pride, tip your hat and acknowledge that it is what it is.
So many back seat drivers that have no fucking clue what goes into development anyway. Relax... The games will be done when they're ready.
Go play Stardew Valley and calm your farm.
I guess you didn't watch the video. Either that or you're unable to understand English. "Honest and upfront communication"? He openly admitted to lying and knowingly doing exactly the opposite of what he promised.
From League Starter to Shaper – Cheap, Tanky, Fast and Fun Physical ST – Very Detailed Guide
Gannicus, God of the Arena – Deathless Uber Elder for Everyone
Sweet gentle mother of Sin.
The amount of absolute whinging done by people who probably have to guess what colour the sky is, is beyond fucking insane!
"I want a refund." "They lied." "I'm so sad i have to leave the house now and... heaven forbid... talk to people."
Bloody grow up!
Massive project, with massive scopes and having communication from lead Directors/Founders being honest and upfront and half you keyboard warriors can't even have the mental capacity to swallow your pride, tip your hat and acknowledge that it is what it is.
So many back seat drivers that have no fucking clue what goes into development anyway. Relax... The games will be done when they're ready.
Go play Stardew Valley and calm your farm.
It's so funny reading the doomer comments calling this a scam, I guess they have never heard about Chronicles of Elyria or Identity
I am well aware what goes into such a projec. They were aware of the issue, 5 months ago. Are we to believe that over almost half a year, that it would have been impossible to hire new devs, to do poe 1? I am not saying new leagues, but simply something like legacy leagues, kinda what we got with kalandra + sentinel.
I have done many projects at once, and I always start by looking at avaible resources, makes a freaking plan to get an idea of what the actual time frame is rather than hopes and dreams. This could seem like Critical Path Method. Does not seem like normal agile nor scrum management to me. Because then more people should absolutely have been brought in. a simple WBS could have shown that the scope and resources were misaligned. Yes we all make mistakes. that is why I am calling for a legacy league. Just take already done things, implement them, press launch, and have a single duo of guys run emergency balance patches as needed. So that the bulk of their work is poe 2, but that they are emergency poe 1 guys. That could be fine, and give us a ton of power and loot. And tell us that it will last 6 months, have fun.
This does not take a lot to do.
Сообщениеandreasdh#627131 янв. 2025 г., 6:14:10
Does anyone have the link to when it was said: poe2 will not affect poe1.
СообщениеAndershow6#625931 янв. 2025 г., 6:14:38
Why is everyone crying? cant ppl just wait a little while for them to fix a problem? sometimes problems can pop up and you have to deal with them which could take time. I dont usually involve myself in forum threads those online but damn i had to this time. People are acting like its the end of the world.
we had already wait a little. and then little more. and even more. and now we hear we should wait indefinitely more. wtf?
p.s.: question for mods - why "b*ld h**d" getting [removed by support]? is that phrase counts as strong language on this forum? i didnt see the rule like that
Последняя редакция: cringewilson#2761. Время: 31 янв. 2025 г., 6:19:44
Why is everyone crying? cant ppl just wait a little while for them to fix a problem? sometimes problems can pop up and you have to deal with them which could take time. I dont usually involve myself in forum threads those online but damn i had to this time. People are acting like its the end of the world.
The problem is that it’s not “a little while”. It’s already been 7 months and it’s going to be another 3, at least. For something that is usually on a 3 month cycle, so it’s not “a little while”.
And it’s also more than that, it’s the fact that they promised something (poe1 won’t be affected), while the outcome being 180° different.
The issue is even bigger than that unfortunately. At some point 3.26 will come. Do you think that after that we'll go back to normal? PoE2 will contuse to be the priority and PoE will continue to have new content whenever they have a couple of weeks to spare. Do you think the game can survive like this?
The entire "Wait till 0.20 and then everything will go back to normal" is as much a lie as "PoE 2 development will not affect PoE" was.
From League Starter to Shaper – Cheap, Tanky, Fast and Fun Physical ST – Very Detailed Guide
Gannicus, God of the Arena – Deathless Uber Elder for Everyone
PoE 2 development will not affect PoE
СообщениеnekrDD#684431 янв. 2025 г., 6:21:15
Why is everyone crying? cant ppl just wait a little while for them to fix a problem? sometimes problems can pop up and you have to deal with them which could take time. I dont usually involve myself in forum threads those online but damn i had to this time. People are acting like its the end of the world.
The problem is that it’s not “a little while”. It’s already been 7 months and it’s going to be another 3, at least. For something that is usually on a 3 month cycle, so it’s not “a little while”.
And it’s also more than that, it’s the fact that they promised something (poe1 won’t be affected), while the outcome being 180° different.
The issue is even bigger than that unfortunately. At some point 3.26 will come. Do you think that after that we'll go back to normal? PoE2 will contuse to be the priority and PoE will continue to have new content whenever they have a couple of weeks to spare. Do you think the game can survive like this?
The entire "Wait till 0.20 and then everything will go back to normal" is as much a lie as "PoE 2 development will not affect PoE" was.
sadly community went back to normal even after 3.15. situation now feels lil easier.