A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

valarias#5872 написал:
Perq#4049 написал:
valarias#5872 написал:

Do we need to literally quote the devs saying that Poe1 and Poe2 are the same game? Do we need quotes of them saying Poe2 will not affect Poe1 development? Do you need to be force fed the most basic information available?

All of these has already been addressed by them, multiple times.
You do not understand how development of anything works, so I won't bother trying to explain.

Claiming something is explicitly not happening multiple times and then reneging on that well after the fact is not a part of any standard development cycle infact if you were to develop in that manner after having told stakeholders you would likely be liable for fraud.

And as a professional Software Developer and former Network Engineer I understand the ethical and legal implications of both, so get out of here buddy.

I did not need for you to provide evidence that you have no clue what development of anything works, but thanks for providing it.

Also - make sure to provide the spending list to your boss at the end of the month, since as "professional" developer you understand how paying for things work. Lmao XD
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge.
Последняя редакция: Perq#4049. Время: 31 янв. 2025 г., 9:38:37
Perq#4049 написал:
Marthuk#0788 написал:

GGG: We will continue PoE1 development by having 2 teams. We love PoE1 and dont want to do our playerbase dirty!

Players: Cool, we trust you!

GGG: Just kidding, we actually didnt even start developing on next PoE1 update and didnt tell you for months, so you would buy our yearly supporter packs, lol! There is only a PoE2 team now!

Players: Thats not what youve been promising us for years though, this sucks!

Perq: You are entitled crybabies!

Waiting 10+ months (at least) for an update, when regular updates are 3-4 months is not a "slight delay".

Have you watched the video? They fucking admitted they made a mistake. And yes, saying shit like "I spent 30$, I get to decide how it is spent" is entitled as fuck

made a mistake? yeah it was a mistake, upon mistake, upon mistake, upon giving us nothing. So If your mother promises that she will make a cake, and so you sit and wait. Then she does nothing for 6 months, so she stick her head out of the kitchen and says, hey there I know I promised you a cake, and that I would not use all the ovens in the house, but I just wanted to make a lot of burning garbage instead and use all the ovens for burning garbage. And then says. As you smell, burning garbage got some issues, and until I have found a way to stop it from being either burning or garbage, then I cant stop using all the ovens.
Yes yes, I know I could have gone out bought new ovens, and brought them home 6 months ago when I realized that burning garbage was the only thing I wanted to make, but you know, I did not do that.
Did I have to begin making burning garbage at that moment? no I did not. Did I have to use all of the ovens, no I did not.

But they did so anyway. And that is issue. They could have worked on POE2 for another 6 months, and we would never have known. They did not. They could have chosen to leave a couple of developers, or hire more people. Chose not to do so. They could have done a lot of things, to fix the issue. They did none of that.

And this is where many of us are feeling let down. We just wanted something, almost anything, sure maybe not a cake, then at least a muffin, a legacy league, a legacy event like Sentinel + kalandra.

You might say that is entitled. I say that is inexcusable poor project management. I ought to know, I have run multiple projects at once.
I think the only way you can do it would be to grow your studio. If you try to cram too much with current staff numbers, you might be looking at burn out.
Perq#4049 написал:

I did not need for you to provide evidence that you have no clue what development of anything works, but thanks for providing it.

Also - make sure to provide the spending list to your boss at the end of the month, since as "professional" developer you understand how paying for things work. Lmao XD

Lol you clearly have no idea of how development cycles work wether that be waterfall or agile sprints, and how for any publicly owned company stakeholders are informed of all of the work being performed features added or remove.

Probably don't even know what a VCS is or how it works, or why we use them.

But its okay because youre still a kid.
I hope your new player base will be financially supportive, at least I won't be anymore.
TheXstasy#3340 написал:
Now i can be proud that i don't own any badges, throwing your money at companies always ends poorly.

lvl1Slacker#5950 написал:
I think the only way you can do it would be to grow your studio. If you try to cram too much with current staff numbers, you might be looking at burn out.

Management is lacking hard at scheduling things. Growing right now is definitely the opposite of what they need now. This is chaos now already, more people would only be more chaos.
Not going anywhere, love PoE1 and I love PoE2 (400 hours in). I am excited about what is to come. I have trust and faith in GGG that is been built over many many years. You have yet to break that trust, unlike some other devs.

Keep cracking away, ready for what is to come.
fritz_dreck#3991 написал:
I understand the disapointment, even the the anger. But the way the "discours" (d)evolves right now gives me this impression: Not GGG is the problem. It is the community. Or what I hope only a (VERY) vocal minority is.

To everyone who is loosing his shit right now (I am definitly not adressing frustrated players but the toxic and vile stuff going on): You really think you get what you want by threatening, insulting and by being just outright mean and complete hyperbolic? We still are still spoiled, they are still listening - even apologizing in a rather humble way, compared to the rest of the industry.

But sure, burn another one and see where it leads us all.

By the way, the question was rhetoric, nobody must feel incentivized to answer. I won't return here anyway. I will rather play both games and simply have fun.

imagine saying i will play both games while having 0 challenges on a >6 month league.

it's funny how all those "great transparency" and "you are entitled" points come from people that don't actually play PoE1.

The community IS a problem, because it has been misstreated. The fact they said "oops our bad" doesn't make it any less horrible towards people who care about the game and have supported it for years.
BlackDeathBE#0559 написал:
Holy crap, I'm completely baffled by the reactions here. I have to believe this is just a tiny screaming minority of people, and that there's a silent majority of players who, like me, think that a) this is entirely understandable; b) their decision to move developers to poe2 was obviously the correct one (what else should they have done; postpone EA launch once more? For an undetermined time?); c) we're already extremely spoiled at how well they are polishing PoE2 given it's just in EA -- it's amazing how playable and enjoyable that game already is; d) it's super POG (or whatever today's correct internet-slang word is) the way the lead developer honestly and openly communicates about this directly to the player base, and apologizes. Honestly, cudos to the team, again.

The only mistake they made, imo, was to ever say that PoE1 wouldn't be affected by PoE2 -- that has always been just completely unrealistic. (But who said that? When? Was it even Jonathan?) So much so that obviously everyone should have taken that with a grain of salt. I sure never believed that from the start. They probably felt obliged to say that, because there were probably a flood of whiny kids who were afraid that for a couple of months, they would have to wait a bit longer for a new PoE1 season to arrive (who the fuck cares?! aren't there enough other games to play in the mean time?!)

Seriously, this sense of entitlement, the level of spoiledness, the ingratitude of some people boggles my mind. I guess it's in part a generational thing, and damn, that does not bode well for the future.

It's a bunch of [Removed by Support] throwing a tantrum when father promises to buy them the red ranger for christmas 1993 and gets something else entirely and promises it again in the future.

I'm more suprised by the fact you've never seen people react like this when GGG delays something, releases something they don't like or goes back on their word about a mechanic/interaction, etc.

This is the community we have always had here for the past 10 years. Ungrateful [Removed by Support]. Welcome to our community.

I'm just concerned with how many tears they are shedding, i feel we might have a flood soon. Hope they are drinking some water or they will dehydrate.

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