A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

RIP PoE 1 :(

PoE 1 still better game then PoE 2, its lack so much content and feels bad to play.
Well anyway this is sort of good news for new players in poe1, just like me
Последняя редакция: baobobby#5250. Время: 31 янв. 2025 г., 9:16:55
Really disappointing - not just the news but the lack of transparency in the last couple of months in regards to halting all development for PoE. And all of this to patch an early access game that's clearly 1-2 years from being in a release ready state?

At this point the community deserves a proper long-term road map for both games. It's hard to be excited for the future of PoE when seemingly things run purely on wishful thinking behind the scenes.

Was fun while it lasted. Never imagined PoE would go into this sad maintenance mode after continuously growing for more than a decade and being on it's all-time peak.
maciek4427#3049 написал:
fritz_dreck#3991 написал:
I understand the disapointment, even the the anger. But the way the "discours" (d)evolves right now gives me this impression: Not GGG is the problem. It is the community. Or what I hope only a (VERY) vocal minority is.

To everyone who is loosing his shit right now (I am definitly not adressing frustrated players but the toxic and vile stuff going on): You really think you get what you want by threatening, insulting and by being just outright mean and complete hyperbolic? We still are still spoiled, they are still listening - even apologizing in a rather humble way, compared to the rest of the industry.

But sure, burn another one and see where it leads us all.

By the way, the question was rhetoric, nobody must feel incentivized to answer. I won't return here anyway. I will rather play both games and simply have fun.

imagine saying i will play both games while having 0 challenges on a >6 month league.

it's funny how all those "great transparency" and "you are entitled" points come from people that don't actually play PoE1.

The community IS a problem, because it has been misstreated. The fact they said "oops our bad" doesn't make it any less horrible towards people who care about the game and have supported it for years.

There was this streamer FatQT who laughed at players criticizing the Kalandra changes while away playing Lost Arch.. Uncanny
Hey Developers of Path of Exile 1 & 2,

I am perfectly fine with this information I expected this to happen since the team is small & not expanded enough to continue developing for both games simultaneously. PoE2 has a ton of bugs & balancing issues with the enemies not the skills which I will write pages about giving feedback & console really got the shortshafted with the release on poe 2 lots of bugs still presisting with graphics, sounds, interactions not working properly. I am completely fine with the league being delayed I think 3 months since the beginning has always been too short for anyones time table.

In my opinion I think leagues should last 9 months just to let people have fun because both games are heavily dependent on the trade market because the leagues are short & in my experience there is a lot of social casual players who work jobs, take care of kids, & etc there isn't enough time to grind poe to get to a certain par. It always makes people feel like they are either forced to trade to get ahead or else out of luck & you get as far as you get because prices jump crazily everyday.It should also give the team time to work stuff out while continuing to develop & I think if leagues are launched on both poe 1 & 2 simultaneously it will really stress people out because theres not enough time to beat a league on one game without as I said above now you got 2 games doing that I would really be stressed. I wouldn't want to have to decide well should I focus on 1's league or 2 I think this would be really bad to have both leagues on at the same time.

I think it would be best if one game has a league while the other does not or extends the previous league while the other ones in effect. Otherwise if were gunna do 3 month both leagues simultaneously then in my opinion the game needs a total rebalance to weaken all the enemies to give enough time to beat both leagues.

Just give us something to do in PoE1. I don't know: Necropolis, Synthesis, Crucible or OG Harvest crafting.

Or just say that You don't give a flying duck about PoE1 anymore and kill it already so poeple who don't enjoy PoE2 can move on to other games.
lets go PoE2 !
lets go PoE2 !
Huge mistake
ScottEvill#0426 написал:
Huge mistake

That's all they do now.

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