A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

lukaskodlos#7714 написал:
But its just evolution that there is better game now

Lol, lmao even.
lukaskodlos#7714 написал:
Marthuk#0788 написал:

Yeah, lets see how much money the new players will spend on PoE2.
Player numbers alone are not everything. Trust and loyality towards and from your playerbase is important.

If only we could test this and EA would cost something :)

i mean this point would be maybe fair if not for the fact that poe2 got 10000x more publicity in 6 months than poe1 did in 10 years of existence.

you are jsut another guy who says that poe 2 is better even though u dont even play poe 1, you have 7 challenges per league my guy, like any other "just kill poe1" enjoyer
Ah. So, shit happens and it happened. Got it. Once the knee-jerk wave of emotions passed, I do hope that y'all don't burn out. Although I'm not a game dev, I'd like to believe that I do have an inkling to the sheer amount of passionate work that has been consistently invested month after month, year after year. I've rarely seen such devotion. Still a player. Still a fan. Worried y'all will burn yourselves out. Hope it doesn't happen and best of luck making another dream come true.
As understandable as it is, given how a tech company works, it is annoying to hear this.
We were promised that POE1 won't be affected, yet, here we are.
You guys are sacrificing a full-functioning game for a half-cooked one?
I'm not sure what the goals are, but obviously, POE2 has still a long way to go in development.
We have no league in POE1, and no POE2 cause, at this point, is not fully developed.
Anyway, the damage is done, I just hope you guys get back at it.

Personally, I don't like POE2, so I really hope either great changes for POE2, or great leagues for POE1
lukaskodlos#7714 написал:
Marthuk#0788 написал:
BAX337#6960 написал:
All part of growth, POE1 should absolutely take the backburner for awhile. Its in a stable place and a new expansion won't change the fact that POE2 is the future of the company. I find it commendable enough that you guys are planning on still supporting the original, let alone trying to carve out time for expansions.

PoE1 got more players league after league... "PoE2 is the future"...
Settlers league was widely received as a stellar addition to the game with record concurrent players and player retention.

You know. They couldve just kept riding the wave for PoE1 instead of spitting in the face of their long time supporters :)

So much crying for what? 13 years old game? Why? Poe 2 hit more than milion of players even in EA and retention is way higher than Poe 1... Why would they waste time on old game when the new one getting alot better numbers. It would hurt both games at the same time. I played Poe 1 since beta spend over 5k$ and I would have no problem with its end...
Poe 1 is stupidly easy, the new challenge in poe 2 i very welcome change.

So this is ur alt account that you post on? Juust curious as it hasn't been around that long
Marthuk#0788 написал:
rastaqki#6957 написал:
Marthuk#0788 написал:

PoE1 got more players league after league... "PoE2 is the future"...
Settlers league was widely received as a stellar addition to the game with record concurrent players and player retention.

You know. They couldve just kept riding the wave for PoE1 instead of spitting in the face of their long time supporters :)

When will you people learn that GGG owes you nothing?
You paid, got your shit, and played the game.
You get one of the best deals in gaming industry.

Why do you even mention player numbers? PoE 2 destroys PoE 1 in that regard. The maximum number of concurrent players for PoE 1 on all platforms is lower than that for PoE 2 on Steam alone. Player retention is also much better than the best retention in PoE 1.

Yeah, lets see how much money the new players will spend on PoE2.
Player numbers alone are not everything. Trust and loyality towards and from your playerbase is important.

Trust and loyalty towards people like in this thread? The same people who are rude as fuck? The people who say they are done with PoE spit all kinds of bulshit and immediately come back for a new league?

I can see why they did what they did. People will cry for now, but everybody will be back when the new league for PoE 1 comes. PoE 1 was slowly but surely expanding its player base (part of this is probably because of PoE 2). So, all the people saying they were leaving were lying or were irrelevant.

At this point, most veteran players are simply addicted. You don't need to do much to get the addict back.
nobody needs poe 1.just relase for everyone poe2,and forgot about 1.
mxxxxv#7288 написал:
nobody needs poe 1.just relase for everyone poe2,and forgot about 1.

pls stfu xD
Alien_reg#0205 написал:
TrafalgarLavv#7658 написал:
worst decision kill the game for what you are known ggg

Who said they are killing it? 3.26 will absolutely happen, the video was about announcing a delay.

You guys STILL don't understand. That video just confirmed what we all knew. PoE 2 is now GGG's focus. That's the way it's going to be from now on. Yes 3.26 will come but after that they'll all go back to PoE 2 and we'll still have pretty much the same situation.

PoE 2 needs years of work. It won't be magically fixed by 0.20. From now on PoE will get new content whenever GGG has some spare time from their main focus which is and will be PoE 2.
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Gannicus, God of the Arena – Deathless Uber Elder for Everyone
“An empire must be built to weather any storm.” - Emperor Izaro Phrecius

Then you should have built it... with a season as buffer.

the momentum you had of community goodwill is slowly running out.

you decided to change the gearbox while the car is moving

Better get something working before grinds to a halt.

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