A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

Gotta love all those poe 2 tourists blindly praising this game and wishing for poe 1 community do die off but at the same time they never played the first title because it was "too hard"...bunch of fucking noobs trying to scold us, comedy writes itself.
lukaskodlos#7714 написал:
Marthuk#0788 написал:
I like PoE1 more. I supported PoE1 for over a decade. I am entitled to voice my anger about the blatant and repeated lies that we were told.

Most PoE1 fans dont mind the addition of PoE2. It plays different, and whoever wants to play it, thats fine.
But most PoE2 fans spit vitriol towards the "old" playerbase and wishes PoE1 to be killed.

Funny how that works.

Lmao you are not entitled to voice anything. You clearly misunderstood when they say "thank you for your support" as it's not a donation or anything. You are buying stuff, not giving them money. It's like D1 players would cry because D3 exist. You can still play it. You can still have fun with it. Go play hardcore or ssf. Its a new challenge. But its just evolution that there is better game now and you are not entitled to do anything about it.

You are literally missing the whole point. What exists now is not better, in any fucking aspect. Its one hot pile of dog shit.
lukaskodlos#7714 написал:
Marthuk#0788 написал:

Yeah, lets see how much money the new players will spend on PoE2.
Player numbers alone are not everything. Trust and loyality towards and from your playerbase is important.

If only we could test this and EA would cost something :)

Id love to know how many EA players are free keys. i myself gave away 6 free keys, and so did many many other PoE1 supporters. Id say the free players outweigh the paid players in numbers.
rastaqki#6957 написал:

Trust and loyalty towards people like in this thread? The same people who are rude as fuck? The people who say they are done with PoE spit all kinds of bulshit and immediately come back for a new league?

I can see why they did what they did. People will cry for now, but everybody will be back when the new league for PoE 1 comes. PoE 1 was slowly but surely expanding its player base (part of this is probably because of PoE 2). So, all the people saying they were leaving were lying or were irrelevant.

At this point, most veteran players are simply addicted. You don't need to do much to get the addict back.

First of all people are completely justified to voice their anger at this sh*tshow.

Second there's a serious flaw in your logic. There has never been a 1 year gap in PoE releases. There are other games out there. And some people are truly angry at GGG for this. How many will come back? How man of those will pay to support GGG even if they come back? Who knows? The fact it that we've never had this before and can't predict how it will play out.
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Hello dear developers at GGG,

I appreciate the time and effort you make, trying to deliver a product that is only sweetened by just how much transparency you have shown towards us, the player base, lately and over the years. I am enjoying PoE 2 a lot, but by no means do I think we should therefore kill PoE Number One. I guess as an avid POE 2 enjoyer I can say this: that we as players really do appreciate the effort you put into fixing, updating, maintaining, and improving this, in my humble opinion, revolutionary game. I feel like 10 years old again, playing my very first computer game, Diablo 2, in my best friend's room because his parents were super cool. I am looking forward to what is yet to come, and I want to say, please take all the time you need, because I do have a job, a community to maintain, relationships to maintain, and just in general a very busy life, so I can't spend so much time, unfortunately, to be completely honest, but I enjoy the free time I have with your product a whole lot. Thank you very much, and I remain

Yours faithfully,

Sebastian Stoye
I didn't think it could ever get this close to as low effort and dishonest as GGG is now, but I have zero faith in the company with Jonathan at the wheel moving forward. A complete disregard for the player base that built them into what they are is what this feels like. Big shiny new number on poe2 is gonna have them smiling while they sink into the quicksand of obscurity when people realize how unfinished and terrible the "sequel" is. Just so disappointed, crushed that for a year my one thing I look forward to every few months has been mia and will be, just sad.
Aias_o_Telamonios#0275 написал:
Alien_reg#0205 написал:
TrafalgarLavv#7658 написал:
worst decision kill the game for what you are known ggg

Who said they are killing it? 3.26 will absolutely happen, the video was about announcing a delay.

You guys STILL don't understand. That video just confirmed what we all knew. PoE 2 is now GGG's focus. That's the way it's going to be from now on. Yes 3.26 will come but after that they'll all go back to PoE 2 and we'll still have pretty much the same situation.

PoE 2 needs years of work. It won't be magically fixed by 0.20. From now on PoE will get new content whenever GGG has some spare time from their main focus which is and will be PoE 2.

Regardless, this doesn't mean PoE is dead, killed, or whatever other term doomers in this thread and on reddit are using. It will still get updates and new leagues, just not at the same pace as before.
At least give as some challenges/achivements in 0.2.0

It's so boring to grind for nothing atm. +-I'd like to play,but after runing few maps,it just feels like "wtf am I doing?Il beter back to my Cookie clicker,it's more revarding."
thats the worst news i ever seen. sad to hear that...

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