A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

This guy from Tencent almost seems sympathetic.

I personally think this is a horrible decision -all but abandoning the game that created a great and loyal fanbase, that helped fund, mold and curate the game we all love - but I don't work for a multi-billion dollar corporation, so I could be wrong.
"Poe 2 will not impact Poe 1 development. Please buy these microtransactions that you'll be able to use as both games continue being supported."
Последняя редакция: ammo109#3805. Время: 29 янв. 2025 г., 21:01:33
Remove the one death per map nonsense in PoE 2 and maybe I'll have some fun before the new PoE 1 league
There is a saying, which I think could go of saying something like this...BITE what you can chew, seems like GGG took a big bite now can't chew it of. Well, see yall in 2027 in poe1...i guess..
There is a fine line between consideration and hesitation. The former is wisdom, the latter is fear
Well, that's kinda understandable but unfortunate. Hoping we don't get a similar video in ~3 month asking to wait for 0.3...
imagine who paid for both poe1 and poe2 because we were told poe2 would not impact poe1. Then this is how we get treated. o7
Bro just give the PoE1 Devs back. you are forgetting where this all started. PoE2 was supposed to be an improvment to poe1, and instead has turned into a detriment despite promising otherwise.

Whats funny is i logged on today to level a new character in settlers after a little mapping on my lvl 100, what i noticed after 300+ hours of poe2 is how i immediately was having more fun hopping into t16s than i did in that entire 300 hours.

I guess the bright side is things turning out this way saved PoE1 from the nonsense
As a game dev I understand scope and creep and I've always been amazed by the 3-4 month cycles. What you have done is amazing and the reason I've played PoE1 for more than a decade. Think about that. More than a decade.

As a gamer, you sold us out. We paid extra to help you beta test the early access because we believed in your PROMISE that PoE2 wouldn't affect PoE1. Like most people, I'm disgusted with both the lack of forethought and the big lie. PoE2 isn't even as fun as PoE1 yet. So what do you leave us with? When is the next excuse video?

But, it's your company... do what you will and let the chips fall where they may.

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