A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

Arakismo#5584 написал:
Remove the one death per map nonsense in PoE 2 and maybe I'll have some fun before the new PoE 1 league

God yes please
W Izaro quote
Curiosity is followed by ambition. Ambition, is followed by madness.
"We've taken devs from 1 to 2, but 2 is taking longer than planned because of the problem so we'll be keeping the devs on 2"

How do you... just NOT realize that there will never be no problems to be fixed on 2? Do you plan to keep the devs there until the game is perfect?
Devastating. Time to move on after years and years of supporting PoE1. I never liked poe2 and now it absolutely killed my favourite game. Communication is abyssmally bad GGG. Just sad.
There are probably a LOT of people who are only playing PoE 2 because it's new and the current PoE 1 league is dead but far prefer PoE 1 as a game. I hope they all end up abandoning PoE 2 when you fail to match the legacy of PoE 1 and the entire company flops. And I hope Jonathan has all his life savings in company stock when that happens.
I mean, understandable and good luck guys, i hots the faith
Really ...

See all my reddit posts (even the shadowbanned ones)

i kinda didnt care when buying ea, because it goes to support parallel development of both games right, well if it goes to support priority development of whatever ggg wants, then i guess im gonna peace out untill new league
sad news, hope you can learn from overestimating the capabilities of your team, so we can get the poe-1 support that was promised and we hope for.

PoE-2 EA made me more hyped for new 3.26 league than anything, sad its so far away, guess im trying to run poe-1 hc as far as i can until 3.26 hits.

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