A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

Makes sense. poe 1&2 are great. thxs for the great games. take your time.

I mean, errrrr i'm mad. Time for an adult temper tantrum. jk
Последняя редакция: lucidliving#4160. Время: 31 янв. 2025 г., 21:27:07
People on here are Ungrateful and Greedy, all i see is WHAT ABOUT ME, like GGG hasnt done so much for the community, Thousands of hours count less amount of content and they try to create something they are passionate about, and all people care about is them them them, The gaming community HAS always been toxic but this, this is just pure Ignorance.
You've seen 20k people jump at the chance for a currency and market reset in a private league. With countless more who missed out, and would have wanted to join.

I hope you realize what could have been done to make the people who love PoE 1 happy, and it really wouldn't have been hard.
Последняя редакция: Lyric340#6247. Время: 31 янв. 2025 г., 21:36:48
atalanta1111#5859 написал:
Though, I do understand why, from a business perspective and from the absurdity of how many people were seemingly dedicated to never playing any ARPG not named Diablo regardless of all else, a need was felt to do something with PoE to make what the industry media would regard as a "new game" and thus in theory get press hype going and get some fraction of the Blizzard Zombies to give it a try.

This is not what happened. Don't blame any players. The decisions dominating PoE2 have been to stretch play time metrics to an insane amount and on every corner of the game to make progression stressful. This would shift earnings from mtx to rmt.
Последняя редакция: AngryGekko#0233. Время: 31 янв. 2025 г., 21:54:09
while this is super disappointing, it's realistic.

what is super disappointing and not realistic is the fact that poe2 is still freezing my laptop (and MANY others) since day one, which is the nr1 bug and it's STILL NOT FIXED
tragic_nate#2420 написал:

This is really unfortunate. I feel like PoE2 has broken my love for PoE. Maybe it is time to move on.

so move on ? lol people these days complain about anything that doesnt go their way lol
At least everyone know when POE 1 "3.26" will be released ...

-A while- After POE 2 "0.2.0" (we are at "0.1.1b" atm) loool


/e Must add that POE1 is a safe working game model since more than a decade, it would be unwise to let it rot for too long. After such announcement it is clear that Last Epoch and Grim Dawn little teams will be fully motivated for their releases in the next few months.
Последняя редакция: Universalis#5776. Время: 31 янв. 2025 г., 22:26:40
Cool, thanks for the update, not like I play poe1 at all. come on everyone switch to poe2 stop update for poe1 and focus on poe2 ........ kidding guys don't hurt me.
vio#1992 написал:
chris chose a safe salary for his employees for the years to come and some safety for the company when those idiots on reddit pitchforked his companies' suppport down to a minimum again

There have been multiple riots against Chris' ruthless vision, which STILL is not what customers want. I never think it's a good idea to blame customers for voting with their wallets. It's the only vote they have.

Second, his decision to sell the brand worsened the situation for both employees and the games as we all can witness now. He took the money and escaped. The whole mess was a management issue from the beginning, but people have always been blind on that eye and kept glorifying him.

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