GGG should give pohx's private league more slots. 20K filled within a few hours. there is clear demand for poe1. this is the least GGG could do for us poe1 players after everything that happened.
СообщениеLyutsifer665#167131 янв. 2025 г., 23:55:24На испытательном сроке
"PoE is made to be played forever."
Yup. This hasn't necessarily aged well.
Me and my people have long since gone back from the boring, slow, sluggish, souls-like PoE2 back to PoE1 and now we just feel like we've been ripped off. Each of us has at least 5k hours in PoE1 (in my case I'm at 20k+) and are now sitting here watching the tube. We won't play PoE2. Jonathan's vision for HIS game is different than what we would like as a successor to PoE1. Jonathan doesn't like PoE1, that's a not unknown fact, but dissing the entire player base that is responsible for the actual success (especially in terms of money and player loyalty) is absurd. It is now becoming more and more clear to us and as Mathil has already said, PoE1 will probably no longer be maintained under Jonathan's leadership. At this point we know that he no longer wants the core essence of PoE and just wants to make it a completely different, HIS game. Bye identity of PoE...
Thank you for 13 years.
СообщениеNorlus#23841 февр. 2025 г., 0:09:32
POE1: "Bring me back to life!"
СообщениеDemoniszek#22481 февр. 2025 г., 0:19:57
I was considering to buy POE2 to support the GGG Team. But not anymore after i saw that video.
This misorganization will cost GGG some players and money.
СообщениеSiegurt#72741 февр. 2025 г., 0:21:15
Thanks for the transparancy. I think nobody with a background in software development is suprised that we didn't get a POE 1 league at the promised date.
I am. Not delivering a promised feature has nothing to do with software development. But wrong priorities and inability. You do not slaughter the cash cow. POE 1 is what brought the money. And POE 2 is not ready yet. There is no way to play the current dodgeroll simulator crap as a league. It's fun for a week or two. And that was it.
Well yeah, they got my EA money. And from many others. But that was a one shot. More a thank you for all the years with poe1. Let them suffocate at it.
СообщениеArunderan#46781 февр. 2025 г., 0:47:24
Not sure why so many ppl are surprised by this. Did you guys think GGG is better than other formerly great companies? Between the two of them, Blizzard and BioWare had at least a dozen legitimately great titles and look what happened to those two companies. GGG only had 1.
СообщениеAshock#63951 февр. 2025 г., 1:16:08
while this is super disappointing, it's realistic.
what is super disappointing and not realistic is the fact that poe2 is still freezing my laptop (and MANY others) since day one, which is the nr1 bug and it's STILL NOT FIXED
The same freezing also happens in POE1, which will not be fixed soon. Also, the lag spikes in POE1 are horrible now, never had that before. The game stops responding for 15 seconds.
Последняя редакция: Jron#5733. Время: 1 февр. 2025 г., 1:19:56
СообщениеJron#57331 февр. 2025 г., 1:19:43
No words, how could it be assumed that everyone will play only poe 2 I played with friends and girlfriend in poe 2 is great but we stopped playing and have been waiting for months for a league in poe 1 active game suddenly ceases to exist no leagues, etc for a sick time interval not to mention that the league every 4 months instead of 3 was no longer great for many by a dead market and other obvious things, poe has collected fans over the years to now play other games for a year because 1 does not exist in the normal sense, people say that the second part brings more money and more people play it aside from the fact that we waited years and it is new it is not surprising that they play 2 as 1 does not exist I supported the first game for as many years as I could and now I can not play it (let's not mention the standard), great move no question about it
You promised many times that making poe 2 will not affect the 1st part at all, no wonder fans are not satisfied, many of them supported 1 over the years not 2, not to mention the players who were not interested in 2 or did not buy it, good luck to them
Yours promises about developing 2 parts simultaneously and competing with each other were obvious to us because these parts are different and I myself wanted to play both and I am forced to play 2
I do not want to support such decisions and such a game more until this changes, you can say that who cares, but be aware that such players exist, there is nothing to support a game that I can not even play actively should not surprise anyone
Последняя редакция: KajokenStrang#6056. Время: 1 февр. 2025 г., 1:42:17
Thanks for the transparancy. I think nobody with a background in software development is suprised that we didn't get a POE 1 league at the promised date.
You had to take away resources for the development of poe 2 (6 dec), you knew you had to support poe 2 afterwards. So that must have been hectic and hard work. Then come the holidays where you get to spend time with friends & family, so that takes up the end of december & the beginning of january. And guess what is waiting for you when you get back, that's right, more support for poe 2.
That being said, from what I'm reading into the video, this could have been managed alot better.
I've got the feeling you have the same product owner for both poe 1 & poe 2. You should seperate the two so that each PO can defend the interests of their product. It would still be making compromises on both ends, but at the very least as a company you'd be true to some of the values that make you such a great company:
* Being transparant and communicate early and often
* Having a reputation of being trustworthy (promising a league every 3-4 months and delivering on that promise consistently)
Right now you have the following:
* Late communication
* On the date that you would announce the new poe 1 league, you announce that you haven't started the development of it and you don't have a new date for us yet
Look, nobody would blame you for having a delayed and a minimalistic league. Given the circumstances I'd say its only normal, you have a game that hits record numbers of players, ofcourse you will support it. You only get one chance at a good first impression. The bigger problem is that in doing so you neglected some of the values that we love about you.
Keep that in mind going forward, and make sure that you have a seperate PO for each product. That would certainly prevent some of the avoidable, and frankly predictable, mistakes.
Please don't read my message as negative, it is not intended in that way.
People are upset because they pretended that the reason 3.26 wasn't releasing end of 2024 was because of how it lined up with PoE2 and holidays. A very reasonable delay given the stakes of PoE2.
The reality was they were so incredibly behind on PoE2 that they had not even begun to develop 3.26 in any capacity.
These are not mistakes, these are bold faced lies. Would this have changed EA launch sales for PoE2? Absolutely. Many PoE vets already had an EA key, and if they knew the next PoE1 league was 6 months away they should have been given the choice.
I'm not going to say I'll never trust GGG again and they don't deserve my financial support, but I absolutely will wait until end of PoE1 leagues from now on to support them when *after* the next patch is announced, as opposed to giving them good will and supporting before a patch cycle begins.
I don't like calling them liars, just because I think they probably operated with the best intentions. But sometimes those intentions meet the reality of software development. What they probably have done for 3.26 is that they have the art/models for 3.26 and a bunch of ideas of what should be included in 3.26, with some underlying theme/vision. They are probably missing most of the coding/testing work, since that is the staff that would be needed to find & solve bugs and change some of the systems in poe 2.
I don't know how much time they need to properly code & test everything for 3.26. Realistically they've probably made the decision to put more resources on poe 2 a while before they announced the delay on 3.26. My guess is that they truly intended to have it finished by end of january, but they grossly misjudged the amount of support poe 2 would need. I mean, combined with the holidays it should've been obvious that they've set an impossible deadline for themselves. But lets not kid ourselves, if they have such a huge amount of players playing poe 2 and they buy EA, that is alot of money. They are still a company and companies typically follow the money. So I understand the decision / pressure to focus on poe 2.
Mistakes happen, no problem. I agree with you on the fact that they certainly should be more open about what is going on, communicate earlier, give more accurate information. They certainly could have been more proactive vs reactive, knowing you have such an important project coming up, you'd think they would anticipate some of the problems they've encountered and plan for them.
You're right about choosing when/how much you support a company. If they do a good job, vote with your wallet and help them out. If they don't fix their mistakes, you can let them know as well ;). And yeah, trust is hard to build up and easy to break. Hopefully they learn from it.
You have less than no idea of what you're talking about.
Lol what were POE1 players expecting?
"Guys why is GTA5 not going to get new content when they release GTA6. NO ONE DESERVES THISSSSSS" in about 2 years.
СообщениеDiablo2#79661 февр. 2025 г., 1:43:24