A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

PoE2 is just not game made for Path of Exile players.

I hear everyone who never touched PoE1 saying how amazing the game is, but it feels like something between poe and D4.

Gameplay of D4 with bugs from PoE1.
But that is just my observation as someone who feels betrayed by GGG again.

We have been lied to. Again.

Remember Delirium league, Ziggy had interview with Chris Wilson. He asked, if delirium encounter pauses during boss fight. Chris Wilson said "yes". It did not paused for two months. Then patch was implemented and it was working for one month. Then we got it into core. But the core implemented version was not the patched one, where delirium paused, as was said by the big boss himself, instead we got the unpatched one. few leagues later we got some other mechanics pausing it for eternity, while boss fight at the end of the map did not paused it.

Then we got the "PoE2 won't affect PoE1" after we had the PoE2 will be just expansion to PoE1 (or something along the lines).

Now i don't even believe that all my stashtabs and everything i earned/bought in PoE1 will be transfered to poe2.

TLDR: GGG does not have my trust.

Maybe do not have PoE1 servers connected with PoE2 servers, since it is in the end different game. Remember how you had maintenance on PoE2 and PoE1 kept crashing and trade was also down due to website being connected with the game servers?

Oh yeah, and i did say in game few weeks ago that i am pretty sure PoE will get Diablo3 treatment.
Последняя редакция: Aeon42#2688. Время: 1 февр. 2025 г., 10:34:38
555032#2439 написал:
how long we have to wait of GGG responce?

Would not be surprised if we had to wait till next poe2 patch release to hear any news.
That's the best I came up with, that can describe the whole POE1 situation:
Скрытый текст

to hire people for poe 1 not to mention
Trying to run two games at the same time is a strategic mistake. In the long run, it risks harming the quality of ideas and updates. The old game will always demand too many resources, which prevents staff from fully focusing on the new project. This stifles innovation, slows down fixes and rebalances. It is time to accept the reality: POE 1 has had its day, now it is time to turn the page and fully support POE 2 to give it every chance to shine.
Deugs#6297 написал:
Trying to run two games at the same time is a strategic mistake. In the long run, it risks harming the quality of ideas and updates. The old game will always demand too many resources, which prevents staff from fully focusing on the new project. This stifles innovation, slows down fixes and rebalances. It is time to accept the reality: POE 2 has had its day, now it is time to turn the page and fully support POE 1 to give it every chance to shine.

Fixed your comment for you.
ayo when 3.26 ? got some homie to buy potent computer for it we need to organise ty
Deugs#6297 написал:
Trying to run two games at the same time is a strategic mistake. In the long run, it risks harming the quality of ideas and updates. The old game will always demand too many resources, which prevents staff from fully focusing on the new project. This stifles innovation, slows down fixes and rebalances. It is time to accept the reality: POE 1 has had its day, now it is time to turn the page and fully support POE 2 to give it every chance to shine.

Where does this mindset come from, that developer studios can only ever be able to work on one game?

Blizzard alone has more than 5 live-service games at the same time running with regular updates.

And before you say, "well, they are way bigger and have more people working on those games!" - yes, exactly. So how come GGG didnt expand enough or divided their teams to be able to develop 2 games? Hardly the players fault.

Its so unbelievable malicious to wish for a beloved game with hundreds of thousands of supporters to stop being worked on. We are not "entitled" for expecting the promised continuous support and development.

It was a deliberate decision to put 100% of developers into an early access title that will not be fully released for an undisclosed amount of time. There is no excuse to completely stop developing the game you promised would not be "done dirty".

I dont wish for PoE2 to die or development to stop. I am happy for players to get more games to play.
But on the other hand, the PoE1 fanbase is being belittled for no reason.

The amount of hatred and envy large parts of the community express for each other is saddening.

GGG can be capable of supporting both games. They are the ones who need to get their sh*t together. Not the players who funded them for over a decade.
An aspirant can afford to be promising. An emperor must keep those promises.
Ghxmichou#1991 написал:
ayo when 3.26 ? got some homie to buy potent computer for it we need to organise ty

Q1 2026 by the sounds of it.

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