A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

-(announcing POE2 to be an add-on for POE1) was ok,
-(POE1 & POE2 will be two separate games and be developed simultaneously) was ok and widely accepted by POE community.
-(pulled off POE1 devs to develop POE2 while skipping 7+[+6 more?] months without a single POE1 league)!!! .
This is disappointing and seems like GGG couldn't handle/manage both games nor hold their promises.

The future of POE1 looks grim by now. I already feel detached from POE.
Personally being someone that got sick of PoE1, and was really looking fw to PoE2, I am happy for this decision.
Allow me to elucidate; I mentioned that the Chinese client had P2W elements and it does. There's no doubt that the ability to pay for a loot pet confers an advantage to the player who does so, over and above other players. Having the ability to resurrect after a death for a fee is also a P2W element. There's certainly other variances mentioned in that topic that aren't P2W but that doesn't exclude the P2W elements that are present.

But all this "P2W" additions that you mention-can you compare to the Stash Tabs microtransactions? What is more "P2W"? In my opinion-you can easily play without those you mentioned, as we doing right now. But without stash tabs-oh my.

And my "China bad" was more to the first guy.
Последняя редакция: Kupemeu#4587. Время: 2 февр. 2025 г., 8:05:08
please increase the numbers in pohx's private league
No reason for all the negative remarks. Play whichever you want.... they'll both be there.
Lyutsifer665#1671 написал:
please increase the numbers in pohx's private league

+1, at least a 10k increase would be nice so everyone on the waitlist can get in. Or maybe GGG can make an official event themselves, since they can see just how big the interest for something like that is lol
The fact that Pohx's league is maxed at 20K indicates that there are many players that would love to replay 3.25. Is it really that hard to reset either Settlers or Necro Settlers. It would go a long way towards reducing your players frustrations.
Sssasquach#1180 написал:
No reason for all the negative remarks. Play whichever you want.... they'll both be there.

negative remarks are due when its not gud and thats what poe2 is and in ea dismissing negative feedback makes the whole process of ea pointless.
I feel completely abandoned.

I quit POE2 after 2 days and foreseeing all this I joined the Ashes of Creation alpha test.

Basically, I abandoned POE because I already sensed that I had been abandoned by POE, and this video is just the confirmation that I was correct.

Sssasquach#1180 написал:
No reason for all the negative remarks. Play whichever you want.... they'll both be there.

Numerous lies and broken promises are there no reason?

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