A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

I don’t understand some of these negative comments.

Sounds like most of ya’ll really love Poe.

Since 2012, year after year they’ve pumping out content, great content, chiseled PoE 1 into almost perfection. 10+ yrs of dedication and they intend to keep going. I’m truly grateful for their commitment to both games. It’s more that many of us could’ve dreamed of (coming from Diablo 2).
Two decades wandering the desert waiting for a true successor.

I sense it more in PoE 2.

I remember closed beta, doing act 1 & 2 killing vaal to start over in cruel and do it all over again, it was incredibly bare bones. This is early access, people tend to forget what that means.

I also remember the PoE crowd back then, very humble atmosphere. (I miss you a lot!).

Some of you are so incredibly entitled, it’s shocking.
Take a break, play something else.
No worries, GGG. Thank you for communicating.
guess its time to move on from PoE and try new games.
that was a nice run.

why do you even talk then if you cant keep your promises?
Free mystery boxes is the least you could do.
Yusovich#4843 написал:
Guys, you should be happy that they are still even going to be doing stuff WITH PoE1. Most companies, when releasing the next new game, the others are put on life support.

When was the last time Diablo 1 or 2(Not remaster) got an official DLC? Does Torchlight still get official dlc after 2 and 3 got released?

Most companies would have put PoE on life support PERMANENTLY with only minor patches here and there once the next game was released.

you are fooling yourself if you think POE 1 is going to get any sort of major update besides bug fixes and fluff.

after this post they are basically telling you IT IS on life support permanently. which is the exact opposite of what they said they were going to do before POE 2 early access.

GGG Lied to us
Can you give us access to our standard game gear? and currency? There are a few builds I want to try and I need both the current league gear and some of the gear from past leagues.
no words can describe how disappointed i am.
I don't know about you, buy my balls feel thoroughly stomped on.
appreciate the transperency ggg

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