A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

POE 2 is early access. Getting it right at this stage should not be the priority. It is expected to be rough. POE 1 is a polished, completed game. Should continuation of that not be just as important, if not more so?
I knew it.
(2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0
Thanks for letting us know.
Not everyone likes the direction of POE 2. just because you do doesn't mean everyone does.

Oh come on.

This is a huge disappointment. PoE2 isn't ready to be played, let alone enjoyed, and you had an amazing game that you just needed to be creative and maintain with a new expansion.

At the very least, at this point, give us the option to roll our settlers into standard. Let us, as players, decide we are done with this current league.

You've lost a large chunk of your player base here. Many of whom found other games to enjoy. You think they're all going to come back when you eventually get around to building a 3.26 patch?
Very disappointed. You told us POE1 wouldn't be negatively impacted by POE2, and you took the POE1 team off to work on POE2. Early Access and Beta for POE2 can continue for another year, or longer (it needs it), but as of this point should never again impact POE1. Mistakes are unfortunate but you need to learn from mistakes and not make them again. Now that the mistake of taking the POE1 team off POE1 has been acknowledged, correct the mistake immediately, and don't make it again.

At this point in time, POE1 > POE2, GGG should allocate resources accordingly.
Oh god it hurts to listen to that video..
"path of exile 2's development will not impact path of exile 1"
Thanks Chris, very cool. Now the first game's seasons are dead in the water and we have less than 1/2 of a full game to play.
Killed the golden goose for its meat instead of waiting for eggs
Sekhema/Sanctum enjoyer
The problem was you took what was supposed to be a PoE2 beta/early access into a full blown launch. So PoE got neglected due to this short sightedness on focusing on the new child PoE2 only.

It's disappointing.

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