A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

I want to refund all my supporter pack that I bought since the announcement that poe 1 and 2 will run together. since it is simply a lie.
As a 2012 POE player Jonathon don't beat yourselfs up over this. POE1 has shone brightly for a decade its POE2's time to rise, yes the EA isn't perfect but, putting all your resources to getting it right is the best decision its already a much more engaging game combat wise when the balance is right!

POE2 is stunning game and as someone who saw POE1 develop over time I am sure that it will shape up to being better than POE1 eventually.

POE2 is the future and I'm 100% sure that GGG can make this game incredible.

Don't bow to the pressure of the vocal few who want to wind back the clock ten years when there are literally millions of people loving what is already there in POE2 and a community that knows deep down POE2 is the future of GGG and ARPG's in general. I feel really badly how nasty the community is being over another POE1 league right now when its obvious POE2 should be the focus so it fully releases in a much more pleasant and playable state.

100% support your decisions GGG everyone makes mistakes its learning from them that paves the way for true progress.
Its a video game guys.

This video is not necessary.
Mash the clean
POE2 wont affect POE1" Chris Wilson
GGG you seem to have lost perspective. Go develop your new game but taking all the resources from Path of Exile 1 is a slap in the face to all us players who have supported the game for years. This is unacceptable.
so glad i didn't upgrade the supporter pack lol, ridiculous
I love Poe with all its flaws, and I was hopeful for Poe 2 being another banger that I could sink into, but this dumpster fire of management is making me sick. POE 1 is the original, the best, the flipping breadwinner. Poe2 is the bug-filled fetus that is not even close to coming out of beta, and you want to put all resources on that? I know it's got issues/abuse/crashes, but it's in BETA; that is the norm and will continue to be the norm.

Poe2 fame came due to Poe1. If the original dies before Poe2 has a climb to fame, then we all lose.

I love this game; don't let it die with short-sighted choices.
Odolac#2830 написал:
Very disappointing, especially since it seems basically no work has been done on 3.26 and GGG has been silent on this until now. Johnathan says that GGG will be getting "pre-production" of 3.26 done while the majority of the team works on poe 2. Why was this very obvious incoming poe1 delay not communicated earlier when the community was expecting a league announcement any time now?

This. They just didn't bother. Jonathan never cared about PoE1 anyway.
I honestly feel ashamed of the vast majority of comments in this thread. You have very little conscience and a lot of selfishness and on top of that the vast majority of this majority doesn't even have a sad GGG support badge, they've simply bought some tabs from the inventory because they need them, not because of their love for the game and the company, and on top of that they threaten demanding a refund for their sad support. It's simply mind-blowing how far you've come and how little you care about the company and its universe, you simply want, based on your pure selfishness, for them to release the 3.26 league, which they've delayed, and explain the reason for its delay. You may agree or not, that's understandable, but what's not right is that you threaten and on top of that you have the nerve to not have any supporter pack in your forum nickname. On the other hand, I think that GGG should reset the existing league just so that you'll shut up for a while and stop saying nonsense and threats when they've come out to say what's going on in the company, and no, they can't hire all the people they need because they have laws in New Zealand that prevent this from being possible, you have to meet certain requirements such as living there among others.

I'm sure that GGG will continue to release leagues in POE when it's humanly possible for them but I'm sure that now they'll realize that most of their players are children with zero tolerance and unaware of the reality of life.
This feels actually terrible man. It's like feels like our time and commitment to GGG over the past ten years has been taken for granted. I mean give us SOMETHING, anything! Some non settlers league, delve event, like anything guys.

I don't know man, I have never been more sad related to POE.

POE2 need far more work than a single patch.

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