A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

I feel cheated, its like - "Hey guys, I'm sorry but we love Poe2 more, and by loving it more I mean that we are gonna fix it later, after deserved vacation, thank you for the money, bye"
Terzian#6850 написал:
Not sure if that just means poe is done.

Poe 2 is functionally worse in almost every measurable aspect and you've abandoned poe1 to continue down a terrible path. Big sunk cost feelings here.

Obviously not everyone shares my opinion but POE2 is less than a dog turd on my sneakers and this is a betrayal.

You are not alone. Not even close. Read PoE 1 in game chat for 5 seconds and you will see how the mighty have fallen. They are pulling an Overwatch 2.
PoE 1 is the best. PoE 2 is something.
Thank you Jonathan and POE team for the transparency and all the hard work over the years that made POE the Cinderella story that it is. I have full faith that with time you will deliver on your promise. Gamers are inpatient and POE players have been conditioned to regular season releases so this news undoubtedly comes as a shock to the player base. But I think everyone can agree that it is better to have one excellent polished game than two mediocre ones. Keep up the great work.
IGN: Teslah
Toothless_HTTYD#1030 написал:
It's definitely a shame, but I and many others appreciate how much love and effort GGG's putting toward the community to try and make everyone happy! The toxicity in this thread is insane. Ive put a lot of hours in PoE1, and I understand the view people have of not wanting to see it dropped. But PoE2 is a genre defining moment for the ARPG gaming community and as a product fund the company to be able to support *both* games. Exile 2 currently has more in-game players even after a month than Exile 1 has when most seasons first launch. And this is a game that required minimum a $30 purchase to get into.

People saying you need to abandon PoE2 until you launch a new season for PoE1 just have no idea the pressure the team is under. I commend the team for having the vision to support both games the way they want to, even if at the moment your progress have fallen short of your goals. It's a shame, and people feeling betrayed is understandable. But most players know everyone on the team is trying their best. I think trying to get 0.2 out first is fair, since I'm sure its a lot closer than people are thinking. The goals for Exile 2 are big, but people are forgetting their is a lot more content nearly done than what was launched and just needed some polishing.

Depending on how long things take, I do think releasing a rerun league would be a good option to tide people over, possibly remixed a little with older league mechanics that people enjoyed. Something relatively quick to put together but would be fun while the team works on getting Exile 2 out of early access.

Please don't let the pressure crush the team's dreams! Your goals are big, and it's understandable to fall short sometimes! But God damn am I excited and so are others. Wishing GGG the absolute best, and thank you for the effort and love. ❤️

You have 3 characters, the highest being in the 80s. Define lots of time. You're removing empathy from people who have 10s of thousands of hours and thousands of dollars into this game and community.
It's in nobody's best interest to rush either game, I think we can all agree on that. I appreciate the position they are currently in, we just need to exercise some patience and cut them some slack so they can work diligently on both projects without people throwing gas on the fire in the meanwhile.
A lot of doom and gloom here, but at least once the wait is over, PoE 1 will be on a regular content release schedule. More time for other games and just life in general.

Thanks for the update. I'm really enjoying PoE 2, by the way!
Streaming Path of Exile on Twitch: Twitch.tv/ActionRPGs

“There are only two great tragedies in life: one is not getting what you want and the other is getting it.” ―Oscar Wilde

In Memoriam – John C. Hemphill, Sr. (November 21, 1951 – October 10, 2024)
You have acknowledged the mistake. Correct the mistake by putting POE1 back on POE1, and don't make the mistake again.
yall should change ur dev company to ISPF instead of GGG.
"I'm sorry, please forgive" is like 90% of the videos you guys put out. dating so far back. its not cute and forgivable anymore, its just annoying and sad now. back to diablo 2.
You promised the two games would run side by side. You promised poe2 wouldnt effect poe. You told us our cosmetics would pass over. You lied to us multiple times. You took the devs from the game and expected development to happen magically. You KILLED poe1 (your major money maker) to release a beta, a literal 0.1 version of poe2. This is beyond disheartening. It feels like an actual betrayal. Poe was a beacon of joy for multiple months in a year. You literally tore it all down for a BETA. You could have post poned poe2. You lied to yourselves and your community and this is a knife in the back to anyone who ever believed in you.
Shardz#6676 написал:
It's in nobody's best interest to rush either game, I think we can all agree on that. I appreciate the position they are currently in, we just need to exercise some patience and cut them some slack so they can work diligently on both projects without people throwing gas on the fire in the meanwhile.

We've given them over half a year for content that normally takes 3 months. How much more time should we reasonably give them working on a beta release before it just gets ridiculous?
Sekhema/Sanctum enjoyer

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