A Message to Path of Exile 1 Players

smark1999106#3126 написал:
Most disappointing news heard during CNY. Do believe that POE1 will be delaied every season with in fact the same reson as 3.26. POE1 now become not a big matter because his little brother are more favourable by his parent.

Do tell us GGG are going to close POE1 and I could go for another game and not waiting for a very stupid news very fews months.

The only good news is I am able to release quite a lot of annual leaves to travel around instead of playing POE1.

Another disgusting point is that - “An empire must be built to weather any storm.” - Emperor Izaro Phrecius - is at the end of the article. What a ironic ending, all of us who wish POE1 to come back is now the strongest storm to GGG?
Really sad.
Maybe it's time to move on from PoE.
GGG is becoming just like any other companies who can't keep their promises and their transparency is not worth anything anymore.
Best to not believe or have hope moving forward i guess
On the bright side i guess ill finish recombing all mirror items in ssf... :\
Wow huge disappointment, time to find a new game for the near future.
Respect to Jonathan though for addressing it on camera.
It is like I always said he is a really passionate and very good guy, but the worst manager on the planet. I‘m an IT Exec Headhunter and do nothing else and wouldn’t even handed his CV in for a position like this. He should get someone with leadship snd PM competency and focus on what he does best.
For me its OK. I am patient and i trust you GGG.
well very unhappy with this poe 2 should be taking the hit not poe.....
I hope more people will realize that GGG is just like every other big gaming company. The magical days are over, folks.
I approve of this message. And honestly i expected 0.2.0 before any new league. Cant wait to see what you guys cook up for 0.2.0 !
So many salty kids in this thread. GGG handled the situation as best as they could with what they had.. Looking forward for a great year with POE again !

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